Chapter Twenty Three

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Ludwig and Feli stayed on the train for another two weeks, traveling through Switzerland and most of Italy. Feli was gradually getting more and more sick. He could hardly breathe, and he was always cold. At some times, he couldn't even feel his fingers or toes. The air seemed to bite at him, sending chills up Feli's spine. Feli had to concentrate on his breathing, making sure that he wouldn't make it too obvious that he was struggling. He would often tremble, especially at night, because he was so cold. He had no idea what was happening, it was early spring, it should have been getting warmer, not colder.

Feli wasn't getting much of an appetite either, it could have been stress or it could have been sickness, he honestly didn't know at this point. He was getting thinner and thinner, his eyes had sunken in and he was an all out mess. He was so tired and just wanted for this to be over.

Meanwhile, Ludwig was getting worried about Feli. He began to notice the change in Feli's eating habits and that Feli had a hard time sleeping. Feli was almost always bundled up in blankets, and he wouldn't normally talk either. Ludwig began to find Feli's behavior strange, which only led to Ludwig worrying about his friend. Ludwig didn't notice the drastic change in his friend's health until they jumped off the train.

Ludwig was the first to jump out of the train car, and then Feli threw the bags out, and then he hurled himself out of the train car and onto the ground. It was afternoon, maybe around 4:00 pm. They were in a field with tall grass. Feli was so tired, he didn't know why but he was just...exhausted. Feli was just about to nod off when he heard Ludwig calling his name. Feli quickly snapped his head up and peered around, he found Ludwig easily. Ludwig was carrying both bags and was walking towards Feli at a particularly slow pace. They were both exhausted and neither of them could wait until they got on the boat to America.

They decided to only walk for twenty minutes before resting, they had a week until their boat left, and they were already close to getting to Sicily, the only problem was... They would have to stow away on a boat to get there.

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