Chapter Ten

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Ludwig felt a pang of guilt as soon as he walked past Feliciano's room.
He felt so guilty about trying to push him to make a decision and wanted to say sorry. But how? He had never argued with Feli before, he had no idea how to make Feli feel better.

He felt even more guilty when he heard Feli crying. His friend was crying because of him and he wanted to make Feli feel better but he had no idea how. He was so angry at himself for being stupid. He should have never told Feli that his brothers had abandoned him.

I'm such a stupid idiot. Ludwig thought to himself. I should have been more careful.


Feli didn't want to leave his room the next day. He missed his friend, but he didn't know what to say to Ludwig. Ludwig wanted to take Feli to America. Feli didn't know how far away America was, but if you had to cross an ocean to get there, it's pretty far away.

How could Ludwig be so quick to want to leave? Feli pondered. Why would he want to leave home?
Feli didn't understand Ludwig's intents, but how was he supposed to ask him? Feli couldn't just act like nothing happened. I think I'm just going to wait. Feli thought. So he pulled out his sketchbook and started drawing.


Ludwig had an idea. But he didn't want to use paper from his notebook, so he found an old jar label and flipped it to its backside and wrote.


Feli heard a quiet knock on his bedroom door, he came to the door to answer but found what looked like an old label to a can or a jar. He picked it up and read it.

I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have pressured you like I did. -Ludwig

Feli frowned at the note, but decided to reply.

Ludwig was waiting at the other end of Feli's door. He wanted his friend to respond.
Then the note slid back from under the door, waiting to be read.

I forgive you.- Feli

Ludwig felt a wave of relief. But what next? What did he have to say?
Ludwig wrote and then slid the note back under the door.

Feli was waiting for a reply. What would his friend say? The note slid back under the door so he could read.

I shouldn't have said that about your brothers. I'm sorry.- Ludwig

Their conversation went on, silently.

I said it was okay. Do you still plan on going to America?- Feli
Yes. -Ludwig
Why? -Feli
Because there would be more opportunity there, better jobs. -Ludwig
What made you want to go to America?- Feli
Lots of things. Mostly my brother. Do you want to come with me? -Ludwig
I'm thinking about it. I don't want to leave home. -Feli
I understand. -Ludwig
Why do you want me to come with you? -Feli

Ludwig had to think about this, he didn't know exactly why he wanted Feli to come with him to America. He just thought that Feli would be the right person to take.

Because you are my best friend and I have no one else to take. -Ludwig
I'll think about it. -Feli

Ludwig sat by Feli's door for maybe another hour before the note came back again.

Okay. -Feli

Ludwig read that simple word over and over again. Okay? Was Feli really saying yes?

Are you sure? -Ludwig
Yes. -Feli
Why? -Ludwig
I want to see the statue. -Feli
The statue? -Ludwig
The big green statue with the torch and she is on the water. You know, the statue. -Feli
The Statue of Liberty? -Ludwig
Yes, the one with the crown. -Feli
Okay. -Ludwig

Ludwig was perplexed by his friend's desire to see the Statue of Liberty, but he played along.

So where is the boat to America? -Feli
We have to somehow go to southern Italy from here. -Ludwig
Oh. -Feli
We will need to pack lots of things, start collecting burlap sacks. We will keep all of our supplies at the special spot. -Ludwig
Okay. We should make a packing list together. -Feli.
Okay. Should we meet at the special spot later? -Ludwig
Yes. -Feli

This is possibly the shittiest chapter thus far. Sorry for the crappy chapter. I'll try and do better lol.

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