Chapter Twenty Seven

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They made it to Sicily. Ludwig and Feli snuck into a boat and made their way to Sicily with little to no problems.  Tomorrow their boat to America would leave. It was kindof weird to think about, considering that Ludwig and Feli may never see Europe again, but nonetheless satisfying.

But Ludwig was starting to feel a bit guilty for dragging Feli to America with him. He knew that Feli didn't want to go, so why was he?

"Feli," Ludwig said, "I'm sorry for making you come to America with me." Feli raised an eyebrow. "You don't need to be sorry Ludwig." Feli said, "I don't have much to lose in Europe anyways." They stayed silent for a while. Feli fell asleep. Tomorrow was going to be an eventful day, after all.


Feli woke up to Ludwig scowling at him. "Wake up!" Ludwig commanded, Feli sqinted. Ludwig tried to think of something to get Feli to wake up... He had an idea, an old trick Gilbert would use on him.

"I once killed a man with his own mustache und a grape." Ludwig said, in a monotone voice. Feli immediately shot up from his bed, "What? You killed a man?" he asked, panicked. "I might have..." Ludwig said, playing along. "Is that legal in Germany?" Feli asked. "No, I was just trying to get you to wake up. My brother used to use it on me." Ludwig explained. ".... I will never understand Germans" Feli shook his head and stared at Ludwig in bewilderment.

"Well how did your brother wake you up?" Ludwig asked. "Well, he would call me sleeping beauty." Feli said, "and if I didn't wake up he would dump cold water on me."

"Oh." Ludwig said after a few moments of silence. "Well we better pack up, out boat leaves at noon." Feli nodded in understanding.
"I was thinking we could buy some extra food with the money we have left." Ludwig suggested. Feli agreed. "You can wait at the harbor while I get food, okay?" Ludwig said. "Okay. I'll do some drawing to keep me occupied." Ludwig stayed with Feli for awhile and then left about an hour before their boat would leave.

Finding a store was harder than Ludwig expected, weaving through the crowded street was exhausting and the blazing sun didn't help much either.

But Ludwig eventually found a store and quickly purchased some more canned foods and left. On the way back to the harbor, however, he heard a foghorn.

Oh no. Ludwig thought to himself. I am going to miss it. He then broke out in a sprint, making his way to he harbor through the crowded city, only to see the boat had set coarse for America with out him.

Where's Feli? Ludwig asked himself. "Feli?" Ludwig called, pushing through the crowd of people waving goodbye. "Feli!" Ludwig then heard someone scream his name, "Ludwig!" Feli called. Ludwig pushed his way to the front of the crowd to see Feli at the edge of the boat calling for him.

Feli then did the unthinkable. He put his duffle bag over his shoulders, and jumped off the edge of the boat. The crowd saw this, and immediately four men went into the water to help Feli. Ludwig dropped to his knees. "Where is he?" He heard one of the men call in English. "Go down to the bottom!" A woman called, "the bag is weighing him down!" One of the men took a deep breath and dived to the bottom. He looked around for Feli, and quickly found him tangled in some seaweed, holding his breath for dear life.

The man went up again, "he's stuck!" He yelled. Al four men then dived down to the bottom and rescued Feli.

They brought him to the docks and laid him down on his back, Feli looked dead. "Do any of you know this boy?" The man asked. Ludwig stepped forward and knelt down next to Feli. "...Feli?" Ludwig whispered. "Feli? Can you hear me?" Ludwig was desperate at this point. "Feli, this isn't funny!" His voice was raising now, "Feli!" He yelled. Tears began to spill from his eyes, "Feli!" He yelled again. "I'm a nurse!" A woman called, and knelt on the other side of Feli. She opened Feli's mouth and began to give him CPR, but it wasn't working, nothing was working. She opened Feli's eyes, only to see them lifeless, dead.

"I'm... So sorry, your friend is not alive anymore." The woman said to Ludwig. Ludwig couldn't move, he had nowhere to go. He couldn't just go back to Roderich.

The crowd eventually left but Ludwig stayed, he couldn't move from his friend's lifeless body. He slowly moved and gently grabbed Feli's hand. He clutched it tight, becoming angry at himself. He slammed his fist against Feli's chest in rage.


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