Chapter Twenty Six

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Roderich had been frantic over the months. Both Ludwig and Feli went missing, and the police still hadn't found a trace of them yet. He had betrayed two people, Antonio and Gilbert. He didn't even know if Antonio and Gilbert were alive anymore. Antonio hadn't been heard from since only a few months after he told Roderich to take care of him, and nobody even talked about Gilbert.

It had been almost a month since the boys vanished, and Roderich and Elizaveta were still looking for something, anything, that gave them a hint to where they were. So far, there was no such luck.


Francis was pondering about calling Matthias, wondering what the hell was going on. He decided one day that he was sick and tired of asking himself all different questions, and picked up the damn phone and gave Matthias a call.

"Matthias Køhler speaking." Francis heard from the phone. "Matthias, what the hell is going on?" Francis yelled. Matthias chuckled, "So you finally decided to give me a call, what's going on Francis?" Francis sighed, "what do mean what's going on? I've got no idea what is going on!" There was only silence for about thirty seconds while Matthias thought about what to say. Francis heard a sigh from the other end of the phone, "Gilbert was shot...several times." Matthias finally said, "He killed a man." Francis almost hung up then and there. "Yes I know that he killed a man! I want to know what the hell I'm supposed to do!" Francis snapped, "Your vague letters are getting me nowhere!" Matthias was a bit shocked at Francis' rage, but he couldn't blame him, Francis' business was crumbling and there was nothing he could do.

Matthias calmly apologized to Francis and explained their current....situation.

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