How It All Started

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My name is India Makayla Lovett. I am 17 years old and I live alone. I ran away but, my parents don't care. They were drug addicts and abused me. I was an only child and they told me every day I was a mistake. The worst mistake of their lives to be exact. Well, I don't let that bring me down.

I dropped out of high school and I work part time at a restaurant. My parents send me $5,000 a month so that I won't call child services on them and get them busted for drugs. I'm okay with that. I have them send it to a p.o box because I don't want them knowing where I live and indefinitely don't want to see them.

I always have a feeling that I am being followed. I think I'm just paranoid. No one would follow me right? After all, I'm just me. No one would follow me. I'm just being silly.

"India." I heard someone say. I looked behind me and no one was there. I looked back in front of me and as soon as I took a step, I bumped into someone and fell down. My hand flew up to my heart. "I'm sorry, I should watch where I'm going." I said. They chuckled. "It's fine." He said, helping me up. "Thank you, Mr." I said, hoping he would tell me his name. "Chresanto. Call me Santo." He said, holding his and out. I shook his hand and looked at him. "I'm India." I said.

"Let me walk you home. It's pretty dark out, it's dangerous." Santo told me. I smiled. "How do I know your not dangerous?" I asked. Santo chuckled. "I'm not. And you won't be able to see that unless you let me walk you home." He told me. I smiled and looked at him again, thinking about it. "Okay, fine." I agreed. Santo smiled and we began walking.

When we were walking, we walked under a street light and I got a better look at him. He had beautiful brown eyes, caramel skin. He was just the right height, probably about 5 feet 11 inches. Almost 6 feet. Which makes me look a midget considering I am only 5 feet 1 inch. He had fangs when he smiled(Not like vampire fangs). He was handsome and a gentle man.

"Hey, I remember you know. I knew I met you somewhere but I could not put my finger on it. We had science, math and English together in 9th grade." I said. Santo chuckled. "We did." He agreed. "What happened to you?" He asked. Then quickly added, "I mean, if you don't mind telling me." I smiled. "I dropped out. It wasn't for me. Anyway, how older are you know? You look like six feet tall." I told him. He smiled. "I had a growth spurt, but, I'mma be 18 in a few weeks." Santo told me. My jaw dropped. He's tall.

"Maybe we could hang out again soon. This is my house." I said, pointing at the house were standing in front of. Santo smiles. "I live right there." He told me pointing to the house across the street from mine. I smiled at him. "But, yeah, could I get your number?" Santo asked. I nod and put my number in his phone before hugging him. "Thanks for walking me home." I whispered. "No problem, beautiful." Santo said before walking across the street to his house. I went inside with the biggest smile. Me and him are going to be great friends.

*Santo POV*

Yeah, I pretended not to remember her. I got something planned. I knew everything about her. Call me weird, I don't care. I'm in love with India and she'll love me back right after the plan starts. Oh, I can't wait. Only a week left. Then she'll know me as well a I know her and she'll fall in love with me.

So, what do you think so far. It's just the start. It gets better and the chapters will be longer. Vote/comment please. I love feedback.


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