Chapter 3

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*Santo POV*

I woke up with India still in my arms. I kissed her head before getting up and getting my clothes together.

I wish that she would trust me. I hate putting my hands on her but, when she hits me like a grown man, that's what I view it as. There isn't really a point in trying to get her to love me back when we keep fighting like this. I need to put a stop to it. Before we kill each other. Maybe I could start by taking her out today. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

"India, get up." I said, shaking her gently. "I don't want to." She said. I picked her up and started running around. She laughed then stopped, remembering everything that took place yesterday. "I'm not a morning person, put me down." India said. I put her down and made sure she didn't fall. She's a very clumsy person. "Go get ready, we're going out. You need to behave yourself or it's back to the basement for you." I told her. She nods and walks out of my room.

"Wait, India, I want you to wear something." I said. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to her closet. Then, I grabbed an outfit. A very specific out fit. (Both the outfits are in the media, don't pay attention to the phone cases.) "Wear this." I instructed. India nods. I sighed as she walked in her bathroom. I wish she'd talk to me.

I went and got dressed before walking in her room and waiting on her bed. I started singing because I was bored. And, I don't have my phone because I broke it after the second physical fight me and India got in. I didn't want her to call someone without me knowing. I just don't want to lose her.

India came out in her pink outfit and looked at mine. She rolled her eyes and continued down stairs. Yeah, I made us wear matching outfits. It's to let everyone know we're together. Anyway, I got up and followed her downstairs. India went in the kitchen and got some apple juice. "You ready?" I asked, as she put her glass in the sink.

"I have to do my make up." India said, starting to walk off. I grabbed her arm. "No you're not. You're to beautiful for that stuff." I told her, looking in her eyes. "Santo-" She started but, I pressed my lips to hers. Once again, she didn't kiss back. I licked her bottom lip and again, I got nothing. My hands gripped her butt. Nothing. I squeezed it and she gasped. I smiled and pulled away. India didn't give me permission to deepen the kiss, I'm not getting bit and kicked again. Well, then again, she won't give me a reaction.

I kissed her again and licked her bottom lip. India did nothing so, I squeezed her butt, hard. She gasped and I slid my tongue in her mouth. I smiled because she didn't push me off or bite me. But, she didn't kiss back either. I remembered why I had kissed her in the first place and stepped back. "You're way too beautiful for make up. Let's go." I said, grabbing her hand. India smiled.

I led India to my car that was in the driveway. I held the door open for her and waited until she was in to close it. I walked to the drivers side and got in, buckling myself up. I cut the radio on and 'This Could Be Us' came on. How ironic.

I drove to the mall because, India needs some clothes that she picks out. "Babe, we can eat breakfast in here. Okay?" I asked. India nodded and went to get out but, I pulled her back and kissed her. "Remember, best behavior. I got a good surprise for you and unless you want to spend the next year in that cold basement, I recommend that you stay on your best behavior. Am I clear, baby?" I asked, sternly. India nods. "And you need to talk while we're in here, I don't want people to think that we aren't a happy couple. We are a happy couple. Aren't we?" I asked. India shook her head. "Wrong answer." I stated.

"Yes, we are a happy couple." India said. I smile at her. "Okay, I'll get your door." I said, getting out the car. I walked over and helped India out then closed her door. I locked the car and then put the keys in my pocket. I grabbed India's hand and pulled her close. "Walk beside me, babe." I said. India nods. I whispered in her ear, "Act like you actually believe we're dating. Because we are. You are mine. And I am yours." I whispered, kindly. India nods. "Okay." I said.

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