Chapter 13

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I forgot to mention this in the last chapter, but their baby was born October 4th, 2015. It's now October 7th.

India and I were finally allowed to go home with the baby after three days of staying the hospital. We actually just got back home, and we're waiting for my parents and sister to get here. They insisted that they take a cab here, that away we could get things settled with the baby.

India cradled him in her arms as she walked around the house. "Have you showed him his room yet?" I asked, leaning against the wall and smiling at her.

"No, I'm scared to go up the steps." She admitted quietly, continuing to look at the photos on the wall.

"Come here, babe." I got off of the wall and met her halfway, at the steps. "One step at a time." I whispered, helping her up the stairs.

We took slow steps, but we eventually made it up the stairs, with out dropping him. "We did it!" India cheered quietly, careful not to wake the baby.

I smiled at them, and bent down to kiss his forehead and then India's lips. "Let's take him to his room?" I asked. India nods her head and waits for me to lead the way.

I opened his door and stepped inside, going straight to the crib. I checked inside it, making sure there were no pillows or blankets inside before India laid him down. We cut the baby monitors on, checking multiple times to make sure they work, before we checked the crib once more. We went downstairs, leaving his door open, just incase the monitors didn't work. That and it's quicker to get in there if the door is already open, besides who closes the door of a three day old?

I called everyone and told them not to ring the doorbell, just walk straight in and be quiet, of course I said it politely.

I helped India with dinner, which was chili, cheese potatoes, salad and corn chips. All we had to cook was the chili and the cheese potatoes(thin[most of the time] slices of potatoes with cheese on top and baked.)

"Baby, I'm gonna go shower, can you watch the chili? I need to shower, I haven't in two days." India told me. She's done 'brief washes', as she says, but she hasn't gotten to actually shower yet.

"Yeah, go ahead, baby girl." I answered.

She quickly pecked my lips before hurrying upstairs. I stirred the chili, waiting for our guests to arrive. The first were Jacob and Craig.

We sat in the living room, just talking about things. "So, Ray's in town." Jacob informed me.

"Then I'm gonna take my wife and child on a vacation." I replied.

"He said he was gonna call you." Craig added.

Before I could answer, my phone rang. I answered it, know it was Ray.

Me- "What do you want, Ray?"

Ray- "I heard you had a little baby with that pretty girl, India."

Me- "Leave them alone. Man to man, what happened to that? You keep bringing a woman and child into this."

Ray- "I want my stuff, Chresanto."

Me- "Box number 305 at the post office in Atlanta. There is a key inside the plant outside, under all the dirt." Yes, India and I live in Georgia.

Ray- "Better be."

Then the line went dead. I know y'all are all wondering what this stuff is, but you really don't need to know. It happened in the past, no point in bringing it up.

"Hold on, I'm gonna go see if India is done yet." I tell the guys, she's been up there for an hour. I jogged upstairs, as quietly as possible.

"India, love, are you done?" I say as I step into the room. I saw her looking at old photos, specifically one I took of her before I kidnapped her.

"You were watching me." She quietly states.

I sat beside her on the bed, "I was scared to talk to you. I'm sorry I did that, but it's in past, baby. Can we just talk about it tomorrow, it's our first day home, with our son. You can yell at me all you want tomorrow, but what we have right now is all I've ever wanted. Just let me have this one day, and tomorrow you can hit me, yell at me, whatever you want. But, I'm asking you, no I'm begging you, please stay."

"Okay, Santo. But we are having a long discussion tomorrow." She agrees.

"Thank you, India." I whisper, looking down at my lap. She's gonna leave me for good tomorrow, and she's gonna take my son with her. I know it, and I can't do anything about it. "I'm sorry." I whisper again.

"Let's just go downstairs." She stands up, waiting for me to stand up.

"I wanna go get CJ." I whisper, for some reason, I can't bring myself to talk any louder.

"He's asleep." She tells me.

"I just want to hold him for a while." I whisper, feeling a tear slip down.

"Santo, why are you crying?" India asks, cupping my face.

"You're going to leave me tomorrow, I know it. And you'll take him with you. I'll lose the only two things that matter to me, and this time you won't come back. I won't see you both ever again, and there is nothing I can do about it, because all I do is mess up and hurt the people I love." I answer.

"I'm not leaving, Santo." She says, but looks at my nose instead of my eyes.

"You are, I can tell when your lying. It's something I've noticed. When you told me you were going to stay with me, the day before you left, you looked at my nose, not my eyes. Tomorrow, when I wake up, you'll be gone with CJ, I'll never see my child again. I'll never see you again, and I'm the only one to blame. You won't answer the phone tomorrow, I'll have no way to find you. But I'll still try because I love you, and I love my son." I tell her. That's how it's going to play out.

I walked to CJ's room, picking him up. "Hey, CJ."

I carried him downstairs, sitting on the couch. "Aw, smile, Chresanto. I'm taking pictures." My mom says. At least now I'll have pictures of us.

"India, get in there." Jacob tells her, pushing her foreword slightly.

India sat beside me and I wrapped one arm around her. She laid her head on my shoulder and I smiled big. These two people make me happy, happier than I've ever been. I want myself to always remember that. Then to always remember it's my own fault I don't have them. I won't try to end my life, I deserve to live in pain forever. I don't deserve them.

"I love you, India." I kiss the side of her head.

"I love you too."

I closed my eyes resting my head on the couch behind me. "Well, we should get going." My mom says, everyone agreeing with her. It's already seven o'clock, which means in about five hours, India will be gone with CJ. I have to sit here and pretend that it's not killing me, but it is.

"Hey, India?" I ask, sitting on our bed. We had just put CJ to bed and now we're getting ready for bed.

"Yes?" She answers.

"Take care of him, and tell him I love him every single day, please. And could you send pictures to someone, I know it probably won't be me, so I can't find you. But, I want to be in his life, I want to see him." I tell her. "And I messed up so bad that it can't happen, so please just do that."

"Santo, I don't have to do that. Because I'm not leaving. We're engaged now, we need to talk stuff out. I can't run away anymore. Santo, that was the past. You're my home, I'm not leaving. I might be a little mad, but tomorrow when you wake up, I'll be right beside you, in your arms." She tells me, looking in my eyes. I believe her a little, but I still doubt it.

"Okay, baby. I love you." I kissed her.

"I love you too."

So, should she leave or stay? Sorry for the wait. Vote/comment. Thanks for reading. What did you think?


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