Chapter 12

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I woke up in the hospital with Santo right beside me. I gently shook him, freaking out a little. "Baby, is he okay?" I asked, beginning to panic and feel around my stomach.

"He's okay, babe, he's okay. Calm down. They got the cord unwrapped." He assured me, placing a kiss on the hand he was holding. I blushed a little at the small gesture. I sighed in relief, massaging my stomach.

"Thank God." I whispered. I don't know what I would have done if I would've lost this baby.

-Skipping to when she's eight months pregnant (Sorry for the time jump)-

Me and Santo were in the kitchen, snacking on some fruits. There was strawberries, apples, grapes and bananas. I put some caramel on an apple slice and bit into it.

"Mm, it's so good." I moaned.

Santo, who was standing in between my legs as I sat on the island, chuckled. "Gimme one."

I fed him an apple with caramel. He poked his lips out, making me smile. I kissed his lips slowly. I felt the baby start kicking wildly. "Okay, we're grossing him out now." I joked. Santo chuckled and put his hands on the sides of my stomach. He kneeled down in-front of me and pulled me to my feet. I placed his hands back on the sides of my stomach and kissed my stomach a few times. He put his face super close to it before talking to the baby.

"Hey, son. Mommy won't tell me what your name is yet, she said it's a surprise and I'll love it. I trust her because I love her very much. I can't wait for you to be here, we can play football, and basketball, and video games. And your mom says no girlfriends until you're thirty-five, but I'm sure she'll change mind. I love you, daddy's little boy. Oh, and I can't wait to meet you and hold you. You look tiny on the screens, but you'll be tall. I just know it." He smiled as he placed another kiss on my stomach.

"You know what I just realized?" I asked Santo, as he stood up and placed me back on the counter and took his original position, standing between my legs with his arms wrapped loosely around my waist.

"What's that, love?" He asks.

"We're seventeen and eighteen, but we're getting engaged and I'm pregnant and we're not really worried about it. We're acting like we're twenty something." I told him, popping a strawberry in my mouth.

"Well, if we're going to be completely honest, I'm turning twenty soon. I'm nineteen." Santo answered, scratching the back of his neck.

I tried to do the math in my head. "Wait, but we were in the same grade."

"Yeah, but I failed a year." He admitted.

"Oh, well, you learn something knew every day." I shrugged as he put his hands back on both sides of me again.

"You're right though, we're handling this very well, baby girl."

"Mhm, do we have icing, baby?" I asked, pecking his lips. He nods.

"But you're not getting it." He told me. I pouted and he kissed my bottom lip.

"Babee, pleasee." I whined, dragging out each word.

"No, you have enough sugar right now."

"Oh, so you can't love me if I get fat. Whatever, Santo." I pushed him away from me and tried to hop off the counter. He held me in place on the counter.

"Babe, you know I didn't mean it like that. We want the baby to be healthy, remember?" He asked.

"Leave me alone." I muttered. He lifted one hand and placed it gently on my cheek, wiping a tear.

In Love With My Kidnapper(Roc Royal/Santo August)Where stories live. Discover now