Chapter 19

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"What's it say?" Santo asks eagerly.

"Hold on, there's fifteen seconds left." I put my arm out, stopping him from looking.

"I can't wait any longer." He pouts.

"Ten seconds." I announce.

Ten seconds later, the timer dings, and we look at the test. "Babe." Santo smiles.

"Wow." I smile back.

"It's positive!" He cheers.

CJ turned one three days ago, and Santo decided he couldn't wait any longer to try for another baby. I might be more than that though, I don't think it would show up if I was just a day or two.

"Let's make a doctor appointment." He grabs his phone.

"Santo, honey, we just found out, we should wait a little while." I shake my head.

"No, baby, if it's false, then I want to know as soon as possible. I don't want to get my hopes up so high and you not be pregnant."

"Alright." I sigh. "But you have to be quick, we have to leave in an hour to make it to the appointment in time."

"Okay." He nods.

Today, we are going to see his brother, we're both very nervous.

We've decided, rather than him continue to stay in foster care, we should adopt him, so that's what we're going to do. In exactly three weeks, he'll start staying with us, after about three months we'll go to court and if everything goes as planned, he'll officially be ours. It's exciting yet scary at the same time.

We wanted him to have a chance to get used to us before he comes to stay with us. We don't want him to be uncomfortable. We were gonna get his room set up, but we have no idea what he likes, so after we find out, then we'll decorate and everything.

I go to CJ's room and pick him up from his crib. "Are you ready to go meet Christian?" I coo to him.

I'm also not sure how Christian is. I don't know if he'll want to be referred to as our son and CJ's brother or Santo's brother, my brother-in-law and CJ's uncle. Like I said, we want him to be comfortable, we're not gonna make him call us mom and dad if he doesn't want to. If he does want to, great, we'll love him as a son either way. If he doesn't, that's fine, we still love him.

"Wanna go bother daddy?" I ask, after I get CJ dressed. He laughs, throwing his arms around. He reaches for me. "I'll take that as a yes. Let's go." I laugh with him.

I walk to the room I share with Santo, sitting CJ in the middle of the bed. Santo was in our closet. "Babe?" I ask, walking in the closet.

"Hm?" He asks.

"How does this look?" I ask.

"Spin around." He smiles at me. "You look good, just, spin around."

I do a three-sixty, stopping when I'm facing him again. "You look good. But if anyone looks at you for too long..." Santo trails off.

"I'm all your's, babe. I'll let everyone know real quick." I smile, pecking his lips a few times.

"How does this look?" He asks, looking down at his outfit.

"Good." I bit the inside of my lip. "You let everybody know you're mine, got it?"

"Of course." He chuckles, pecking my lips, then giving me a real, slow, loving kiss.

"No, nope. No more kissing, we have places to be." I shake my head, pulling away after a few minutes.

"Alright, did you get CJ dressed?"

In Love With My Kidnapper(Roc Royal/Santo August)Where stories live. Discover now