Chapter 6

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Santo drug me in the house by my hair as I screamed in pain. What did I do? All I did was go shopping with his mom, he loved me when I left, I came back and he was mad and hugged his parents good bye. Then in the car he started yelling.

"Santo! Please stop! You're hurting me!" I yelled, crying. Santo threw me on the ground and punched me.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch. Someone sent me pictures of you all up on some random person. I'm not gonna be with a whore, but I'm not leaving you. Imma make you think before you act." He said.

Santo grabbed my hair and drug me again. I kicked the floor while he did so. He's pulling my whole body by a handful of hair.

The worst part was when he was dragging me down the stairs. I hit my head so many times. Santo jerked me up, once again by my hair. He pinned me to the wall and tied my hands together.

"Santo, please." I begged, crying. He punched me in the mouth.

"Shut the fuck up, India!" He yelled. I continued crying.

He showed me the picture. "Who is he?" Santo asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know." I told him truthfully. Santo back handed me.

"Either you're a whore or you're fucking lying to me. Don't lie to me, India." Santo said. I cried a little harder.

"You're lying!" Santo yelled, punching me in the face. I fell on the floor and he kicked me in the stomach, several times.

"Who the fuck is he, India?" Santo yelled in between kicks. I continued crying.

"I don't know, Santo. I swear, I don't know." I cried out.

Santo kicked me in the stomach. "Please, Santo, please stop. I swear I didn't hug anyone. I didn't talk to anyone other than your mom and sister. You can call and ask her." I said, earning me a kick to the face.

"Don't bring my mom into this. Or my sister, stupid whore." Santo said.

Santo threw me on the bed an chained me there before leaving, slamming the door behind him. I coughed up some blood. Well, a lot. It was to the point where I was choking on it, so I sat up. I yelled for Santo. I know it's gonna piss him off and he's gonna hurt me, but I rather get beat than die.

"Santo! Please! I'm bleeding!" I yelled. Santo came down stairs.

"You done being a whore?" He asked. Then he noticed the blood beside the bed and all over me. I continued coughing more and more up. Santo picked me.

"Should have told the truth from the beginning and this shit wouldn't have happened." He told me. I kept crying and coughing. Santo put me in the backseat of the car and slammed the door closed behind me. He got in the drivers side and sped to the hospital. He must still care a little.

Santo made me walk in, he had a tight grip on my wrist though. "My wife got into a fight and she's coughing up blood." Santo said. She looked up. "Has she suffered blows to the stomach or head?" The nurse asked. Santo looked at me. Like he doesn't know. "Both." I answered. Santo looked like he just remembered what happened.

They took me straight back. They told Santo that I could have blood clots and I'm in bad shape. I hope he feels like shit. I got put into sleep so they could do surgery to stop the internal bleeding in my stomach. Santo's dumb ass fractured three of the bones in my rib cage, broke my arm and wrist, and he injured my lungs.

-One Week Later-

I opened my eyes to see I was in a hospital room. Santo was sleeping in a chair, holding my hand. There were flowers every where. I took my hand out of Santo's, he just almost killed me. I'm not holding his hand.

"Oh, you're up. Do you need anything?" Santo asked.

"I'm a little hungry." I replied. Santo nods.

"I'll go home and cook you a nice meal, then I'll bring it up here for you." He said. Santo kissed my lips and said, "I love you." before leaving.

I heard a knock on my door then some man walked in. "I'm Ray, Santo told me that the doctor called and told him you can go home. He didn't want to burn your food and he was setting up a surprise for you. He wanted me to come pick you up and take you to y'all's house." The man said. I nod and got up, taking the bag of clothes from the man.

I changed into the sweats and the tank top. Then I walked to the car with Ray. When we got in, I was buckling up then my head collided with the window. Damn it, why does this always happen to me.

So, I know this is short, but I didn't want to give away all the details. I'll update a long chapter next. vote/comment. Thanks. Let me know what you think.


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