Chapter 15

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*India's POV*

"Santo, put me down." I squeal, laughing afterwards.

"Nope!" He laughs, spinning in circles.

"Okay, I'm really dizzy." I laugh.

He put my down and held my hips, helping me stay standing. "I love you." He kisses my nose.

"I love you too." I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Only a week left."

"I know, I'm excited." He agrees, pulling me closer.

"Look at us, being all responsible and grown up. Almost eighteen, one kid and engaged. Life is good." I say.

"Except I'm almost twenty." He adds.

"Old one." I tease.

"Young one." He brought me into a hug. "You have your dress, right?"

"Yep, you have your tux?"

"Yep. Guest list?"

"Done. Food list?"

"Done. Bridesmaids?"

"No, I don't have any."

"I can get the guys to bring their girlfriends over and you can hang out with them?" He suggests.

"Okay." I agree.

"I think they went to school with us." He thinks out loud.

"I can call my cousins first." I decide. I didn't like anyone I went to school with, except Santo, he was nice.

"Okay, c'mere." He tells me.

"I'm right here." I was slightly confused, we were still hugging.

"Look up." He uses one hand to tilt my chin up. He ducks down a little and connects are lips. "I love you."

"I love you too, Santo." I smile.

"Mm, you should call your cousin and them soon." He says, but nuzzles his face into my neck, hugging me tighter. "You're warm."

"Thanks?" I let out a small laugh.

After a few minutes of silence, I spoke up. "When is your mom bringing CJ home?"

"Around three, India. He'll be home soon." Santo chuckles.

"Okay, I should probably call them. They might actually answer." I laugh bitterly. My family knew about my parents being abusive, and addicted to drugs. But they didn't care, they sent them money for drugs and let them do whatever. They called it caring, because they didn't want to abandon my parents. They should've gotten them help, not heroine.

"Ma, are you okay?" Santo asks, looking in my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous." I nod.

Santo sat on the couch, pulling me into his lap. "You got this, baby girl." He pecked my cheek. "Just call, if they're mean, I'll take care of it."

"Okay." I pick up my phone, scrolling to find my cousin's contact. It rang seventeen times before she picked up.

"What?" Amoré spit.

"Um, I'm getting married and I was wondering if you would be the bridesmaid?" I nervously ask.

"No." Amoré answers before hanging up.

Next, I tried one of my nicer cousins, Amelia. She picked up on the third ring.

"About time you called." She says.

"Sorry, I was a little caught up in some stuff." I laugh a little. If only she knew.

"Well, what do you need, girly?" She asks me.

In Love With My Kidnapper(Roc Royal/Santo August)Where stories live. Discover now