Unexpected Villain (Chapter 5)

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***Third person P.O.V***

Gen, Clint, and Sage led the way into the compound. The children followed suit lead by Scarlett. Sage looked around, taking in the environment, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something horrible was about to occur. What if they were all dead when they got there? What if this was a trap and they were gonna die?

"Mom?" Abby's voice finally got through to her mother.

"What?" Sage looked around in a daze and she couldn't remember walking into a large open area.

"Are you okay with the plan?"

"Umm...I wasn't paying attention, what's the plan?"

Sebastian, the youngest Barton, ran away from the group and down the hall screaming, "Get mom!"

His small voice echoed off the metal walls whilst setting off every trap the place had. Gen tried to run after him, but stopped suddenly by a wall of lasers. Gen backed up slowly and looked at Clint.

"Oh, Nat is going to kill me." Clint rubbed his eyes with his index finger and thumb.

"Yeah she is dad, but I got this." Scarlett patted her dad's shoulder and then walked over to a control panel and typed away.

Gen looked at Sage and said, "Okay so the plan is that the kids are going to be last ditch effort to help everyone. You, me, and Clint are going in first and taking out as many enemies we can. Then, we find the team and get the hell out of here."

Sage took a breath before nodding. Scarlett had deactivated the traps and they proceeded to make their way to rescue the Avengers. Little did they know that someone they knew was behind this.

Once they finally made their way through the compound, they came across a door they didn't see the first time. Gen looked to Sage then Clint, they both nodded and Gen opened the door only to be pushed to the ground. The group looked at each other, then they forced their way in.

Abby hid behind the door and tried to stay out of the way, but Sage had thrown a man out of the door and he hit his head on the wall. The guy started crawling towards Abby, but Sage was grabbed by another baddie and couldn't help her daughter. Abby started screaming, but something in her was unlocked and she heel kicked the man in the face knocking him out for good.

Gen got up and said, "Good job." She walked into the fighting and decided to decapitate some people. She pulled the angel blade out of her boot and stabbed people.

Sage threw a man off of her and started walking towards the door at the end of the hall. She could hear the Avengers and someone else talking in the room. Skylar had helped Scarlett kill another guard. Zeke and Zoey worked together to kill as many as possible and Gen smiled every time she heard her daughter grunt in success.

"Pull!!" Clint yelled over the commotion, signaling Scarlett to throw a baddie into the air and Zoey buried an arrow into the man's neck and Clint let one fly as well; his arrow landed in the guy's eye socket.

Meanwhile, Sage was staring into the viewport of the door, trying to get a read on what was happening. All she could see was a brown head of hair pass the viewport. Inspecting the door, Sage figured a way to break the door off its hinges. "Leverage...always works."

The door smoked a little before releasing and falling away. The group lined up behind her and waited for Sage to enter, but she never did. Sage was frozen in her spot, staring at a man who she knew all too well.

Gen pushed passed Sage to get to her husband and Clint went straight to Natasha. Sebastian was already clutching onto her leg and the rest of the kits helped free the Avengers. If only Sage figured out sooner that it was this man who rested in the middle of this evil.

***Sage's P.O.V***

"You...." I stared in awe. I couldn't wrap my head around who was standing in front of me.

"Yes, it's me." He circled me.

"But...I held your dead body, Jarod, you were dead." He was closing the space between us.

"Yeah, you thought. After you walked away, I ran. When I didn't hear from you, I knew you never cared about me."

"That's a lie. I wasn't myself for months because you died." Jarod got in my face.

"I never loved you. You were just an excuse to get to your sister."

While Jarod was talking, I slipped the angel blade into my hand. "Let me stop you right there, if you never loved me then why did you go through all this trouble to see me again?" I plunged the blade through his heart. "Don't you ever try to get the upper hand with me; it will always end in your death." Jarod's eyes flashed gold then his body went limp. I shoved him off the blade and put it back in my sleeve. I felt tears sting in my eyes, but they soon went away when Abby came up and hugged me.

"Did you see what I did!?" she smiled and giggled.

"Yes I did, baby girl. You ready to go home?"

"Yeah." She yawned.

"Alright are we ready to go, team?" They all nodded and Steve, Bucky, and Nat all looked out of it. I mean, so did everyone else, but it was the same thing Clint had. Oh boy, this was going to be a long night.

I texted Dean.

I'll be back at the tower tomorrow afternoon. I'm gonna need you. Bring alcohol. –SW

Wow that bad huh? No worries I'll have alcohol. This hunt with Sam and Casey was stupid. –DW

Tell me all about it later. –SW

I put my phone away and followed the team to the quinjet. I collapsed in my chair and as soon we were far away from the compound, Tony started talking.

"But are we really double dealing under the table?"

"What?!" Gen looked at him with a weird look.

"You called me a little bit ago asking if we were dealing under the table. Pepper said that she didn't give the okay for a shipment for weapons."

"Umm...okay, dad." Gen went back to worrying about Steve.

I walked over to Bucky and crouched in front of him. "Bucky?"

He looked at me with fear in his eyes which quickly turned to anger and he grabbed my throat tightly. "Why did you let this happen to us!!?"

"I'm...sorry...." I choked on the words while gasping for air. Abby ran over and placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder.

"It'll be okay, she's going to help you." He looked at her and Abby nodded. "It's okay."

Bucky released me and I took a deep breath. I projected myself in front of Bucky and started talking to him calmly. "Now Sargent Barnes, you have to pay close attention."

I used the magic Loki taught me and took the 'darkness' out of his head. This would help him forget what happened.

"There...." I slumped into a chair and ended up falling asleep.

"Momma...?" Abby shook me awake.

"What?" I said groggily.

"We're back at the tower."

I looked at a blurry Abby and slowly stood up. "Alright, I'm coming."

Walking in to Avengers Tower, I saw Gen attached to Steve.

"Gen, you have to let go of him."


"Gen, I can't fix him if you won't let go." She sighed and walked away.

An hour later, Nat and Steve were fixed and everyone was a big happy family.

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