Witch's Hunt (Chapter 10)

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***Sage's house the next day***

***Sage's P.O.V***

"Sageline Kristin Winchester!!" Dean yelled from the bedroom.

I ran up the stairs and saw Dean laying prone on the floor. "What happened to you, why are you laying on the ground?"

"You tied my shoelaces together, that's what happened!"

I giggled and Dean glared at me. Dean sat up and undid his shoelaces and I sat in front of him. "I feel weird, Dean."


"I don't know. I just...don't feel the same."

"About what?" Dean rubbed my arm.

"Everything; nothing feels the same anymore."

"I don't know, babe." We sat in silence for a while. "I don't feel angry, I don't feel revengeful. I don't know it's weird."

Dean got up and ran to the kitchen. I heard him get into the cabinet and he came back up the stairs. Then Dean grabbed my hand and poured a little of the liquid on my hand. "What was that for?"

"It was holy water. If you remember, you should be screaming in pain from it, but you're not." Dean smiled at me; he was happy.

"Interesting, very interesting." I looked at my wet hand in confusion, then, all of sudden, it froze. "Oh, well okay then."

"I didn't know you could do that."

"Neither did I." I heard wings flap behind me. I turned around and saw Cas standing there.

"Hello Dean."

"Hi Cas." I said and glared at him.

"You seem well, Sage."

"It's weird, I'm not a demon anymore apparently."

Cas squinted his eyes at me then turned and looked at Dean. "You need to take care of this...problem. Sam is already on board and just needs you."

"I think my wife takes precedence to a mission you have for me." Dean looked at me and that's all I remember.

***Dean's P.O.V***

I saw Sage's eyes glass over and she sat there staring at me. "Sage?"

Cas waved his hand in front of her face and she didn't react. "What just happened?"

"I...I don't know. She's never done this before." I looked back to Sage and she was still looking at me. Okay that is creepy.

Cas put two fingers to her forehead and she fell over sleeping. "That should fix her when she wakes up. I'll stay with her and you need to go on that mission I was talking about. Sam's waiting in the car for you." As if on que, the horn honked and the engine revved.

I got off the floor, placed a kiss on Sage's forehead, and then walked out the door. "Hiya, Sammy."

"Hey, good to see you to, Dean." Sam smiled and then took off.

"So, what are we hunting?" I flipped through the folder of research Sam had done. Nerd.

"It's a standard witch case. Should be in and out in a day or two."

"You know the last time we said it was going to be easy, someone died." I glanced over at Sam and he clenched his jaw.

"Yeah, but doesn't someone always die when we go on a hunt?" Sam asked. It was a rhetorical question, but I felt the need to answer it anyway.

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