Deanmon (Chapter 12)

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***Dean's P.O.V***

Sammy was unconscious in the back of his car since Sage took my Baby!!

"Sammy!!" He groaned.

"I'm taking you back to your house then I'm meeting Sage at Avengers Tower." Sam grunted in agreement and it was quiet the rest of the ride home. Little did Sammy know, I was going home to my loving wife.

***Sage's P.O.V***

Dean had returned from his latest hunt with scratches and bruises. "Oh my god, are you okay?"

"Yeah, demons pack a punch when they're pissed." He kissed my cheek and walked to our room. I felt as if something was wrong, but I didn't know what.

I followed him and said, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Dean turned around and glared at me. For a split second I thought I saw his eyes turn black. "Yes! I already said that."

I flinched and backed up. "Okay, sorry."

I saw him roll his eyes and he slammed the bedroom door shut.

"What's wrong with dad?"

"I don't know, Abby, go over to Zayne's house. I'll call you later."

"Okay, I'll see you later." Abby left and I quietly went upstairs to check on Dean. I opened the door and saw him holding some sort of blade in his right hand and proceeded to cut his left with it. The wound healed almost immediately. I gasped and Dean turned to look at me; his eyes were black.

"What happened to you...?"

Dean got up and walked towards me. "I told you, I am fine."

He brushed his fingers against my cheek then forcefully grabbed my chin. "Why are you so stupid sometimes? Like right now, you didn't need to see that, yet here you stand."

I ripped my chin out of his grip. "What the hell?!"

Dean's fist clenched and he turned away from me before turning around and back handing me. I stumbled back and held my cheek; not from pain, but from shock. The tears stung in my eyes and I took another wary step back.

"This isn't you, Dean. Please come back to me."

"You say that like I wanna be cured. Personally I like the disease." Dean's eyes flashed back to black and he shoved me making me fall down the stairs. My back ached and I couldn't move.

"Dean.... Why?" I watched him walk down the stairs and crouch in front of me before I passed out.

When I woke up, I saw the door wide open. My body ached and I was afraid to move. I turned my head to the right and saw Sam running down the stairs.


"Oh my God!! What happened to you!!?"

All I could do was cry. I had no words and I was too scared to say anything about it. Sam picked me up and I cried out in pain. He walked back up the stairs and placed me in my bed.

"I'm sorry. I knew he didn't seem the same, I shouldn't have sent him home. This is all my fault."

"'s not...." I was finally able to take a deep breath.

"Well it feels like it."

"No.... he?"

"I have him locked in the basement of my house." Sam laughed lightly.

"Sam.... What's wrong with him?"

"He's a demon somehow and I don't know how."

"I'm so scared. What if he comes back and does this again?" At this point tears were streaming down my face. "He's never hit me, ever."

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