Saving Avengers (Chapter 3)

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***Sage's P.O.V***

I watched my daughter look around slowly; taking everything in. We took the elevator to the 31st floor. From there, I heard a snore from the couch.

"Hello?" I picked up a pillow and hit the person on the couch in the face.

"Ah god!!" Clint fell off the couch with a thud. "Who the hell was that?!!"

"Me, Clint, me."


"Yup, hi."

"Holy crap, Sage!! How have you been?!!!" he attacked me in a hug,

"Good...can't breathe." Clint let go of me.

"So why are you here?" Clint plopped back onto the couch.

"I was told that the team has been compromised. I came to help; plus my daughter needs a few lessons in saving the world."

"Well you took her to the right place. Gen and I just came back from a mission and saw that Scarlett was trying to round up the kits." Clint gestured towards the kitchen area where Scarlett was lounging on the counter. I walked over to her and smacked her on the back of the head.

"Don't you have any sense, girl? Get off the counter, your mother didn't raise you in a barn." Scarlett rolled her eyes and started to walk away, but then she turned to me.

"Only for a year, Aunt Sage. You know, when you left us to fight Ultron by ourselves and we needed you but you never picked up the phone."

"I was trying to raise my family away from the crazy and supernatural. I wanted her to have a normal life; not like the one I had where I was trained to kill. I was lucky to give my child everything so you better watch your tone with me, you nacho stealing brat." She glared at me and then walked to her room.

"Why are we yelling!? My face hurts!!"

"It's killing me, sis."

"Screw you, bro!!" Gen walked over to the couch and face-planted. She mumbled something into the cushions.

"What was that, Gen?" I smiled a little, remembering our crazy antics.

She lifted her head up and screamed. "Clint broke my face!!!! It's all his fault!!!"

"No it isn't. You just happened to walk into a brick wall when you were rubbing you eye."

"NO!! You decided to throw a demonspawn at me and he punched me in the face!"

Clint had that look like he forgot about something; like there was a gap in his memory. I knew that look anywhere and I've worn that look several times. "Clint?"


"Do you even remember what happened on your mission?"

"Yeah.... Gen was there and...and we were saving people." Clint's eyes were looking at something that didn't exist; he was off in a different world inside of his head.

I sighed and then thought about something that could work. "Hawkeye, meet me in the debriefing room in an hour."

He nodded and walked off. I eyed my daughter and then I looked at Gen who looked at me then to the hallway where screaming kits were running towards us. "Uh oh...."


Gen groaned and I walked to find Clint. "You have fun with that. C'mon Abbs."

***Abby's P.O.V***

I followed Mom to find Clint. He was sitting in a chair in his room waiting. When we walked into the room he didn't even notice we were there. "Clint?"

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