2. While You're Making Plans

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They hadn't succeeded in getting Sweets drunk, but they had managed to get her tipsy, she realized, looking for her car keys. Everyone was getting ready to leave. You could see the effect of alcohol as everyone hugged and cheek-kissed their friends goodbye.

"Could you drive me home?" Angela asked her. "I can't drive and I can't ask Hodgins. I'm so drunk that if he looks at me one more time with those little puppy eyes, I'm gonna break my vow of celibacy just to cheer him up."

Brennan laughed. "No problem."

She watched Angela hug everyone again, as she waved a collective goodbye and went to wait outside in the hall. She leaned her back on the wall, sighed and closed her eyes. All that paperwork to finish... She'd have to wake up early in the morning to get through it in time.

"I don't know how we're ever gonna get Sweets drunk. That boy in undrunkable," Booth sighed, joining her.

She laughed. "'Undrunkable is not a word."

"It is. I just said it."

"Just because you say something doesn't make it true..."

He knew what she was referring to. "I got you to take a sip, so it must have been true. Unless you drank so that we'd all move off your case." He looked at her and leaned on the wall beside her.

"Were you drinking the truth?" he asked. Their arms brushed together. His cologne was getting to her.

"I guess..." she answered.

"Good for you," he said, bumping her with his elbow. He wondered if she was thinking of Sully and realized he was clenching his fists.

They waited in silence for a minute. Come on, Ange! She took his left wrist and pulled up his sleeve.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

She turned the bracelet of his watch to check the time and let go of him. Angela finally made her appearance.

"Booth!" she exclaimed. "Did I say goodbye to you?"

"Twice," he replied with a laugh. "I hope you're not driving."

"Got my chauffeur right here." She pointed to Brennan. "Goodbye, Booth," she said again, hugging him. He kissed her on the cheek while Brennan kept her eyes down on the floor.

"I'll wait for you outside, sweetie," Angela let out before walking off, shoes in hand.

Booth and Brennan were just standing there. They never kissed goodbye, but they couldn't just shake hands, right? Too uncomfortable, Brennan found an excuse.

"I better go after her before she forgets I'm driving her home..."

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow..."

"See you."

Brennan didn't run out, but she was quickly on the sidewalk. She unlocked the door for Angela and sat behind the wheel. Her friend kept talking on the way, providing a good amount of distraction for Brennan to keep her mind off of Booth's cologne lingering on her clothes and making her insides jump every time she breathed in. When they arrived at Angela's apartment, Brennan waited for her to take off her seatbelt. She didn't. Instead, she started talking again.

"I really hope you're not mad at me."

"Why would I be mad?" Brennan asked.

"For kissing Booth years ago."

Surprised, maybe. And confused, too.

"It wasn't a real kiss, I swear," Angela continued.

Brennan was tired and she didn't see the point of getting into all the reasons why it was illogical for her to care. She didn't want to explain why it was irrational for her to be jealous of her beautiful friend. That wonderful woman who was always kind, always unexplainably glowing with joy... That woman who didn't have to force anyone to kiss her.

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