11. Dizzy Mess

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Booth walked to the back of the car, opened the door and looked down at Brennan, who was sound asleep. He gently poked her arm.


No reaction. She looked peaceful. Who the hell looks beautiful after drinking themselves to sleep? She did. He tried to shake her shoulder a little.

"Bones, wake up."

She mumbled or moaned. She wasn't going to wake up. He smiled and took her out of the car, careful not to bump her head on anything. One arm under her knees, the other wrapped around her back, he shut the door with his foot and looked at his apartment building. Why couldn't he have lived on the first floor? He secured his grip on her, which was difficult while holding his keys in one hand, and walked up the staircase. On the midway up, he sensed the skin of her face pressing onto his neck. She was snuggling. He tried to ignore the chills in his body to concentrate on reaching his floor... but he dropped his keys and they ended up a couple of stairs bellow. He paused, cursed quietly, and located them a few feet away from him. There was no way he could go back to get them while holding Brennan. Once in front of his apartment door, he tried to wake her up again. She would have to stand or sit and wait for him while he went back for his keys.



She wrapped her arms around his neck and he felt her fingers dug through his hair.

Dear God!

"Dr. Temperance Brennan is needed back on Earth..." he whispered near her ear.

"Mmm. Wha...t?"

He chuckled.

"Bones? You awake?"


Where was she? Why was she in his arms? Was she hurt? Was she dying? She felt like she was dying.

"You ok?" he asked, careful not to speak too loudly and wake everyone in the building.

"I don't know."

She looked around, confused and a little dizzy.

"I'm gonna put you down, ok?" he warned her.

"Thanks for carrying me. But you could have woken me up."

"Of course, why didn't I try?" he kidded.

She was on her feet now. She wasn't too steady, but at least she was standing.

"I dropped my keys in the stairs. I'll be right back, OK?"

She didn't want him to go anywhere. She wanted him to hug her again.

"You don't need your keys. You have your credit card."

It took him a couple of seconds or so to understand what she was saying, and by the time he started laughing, she had taken his wallet out of his pocket.

She opened it. There was so much stuff in there, how was she supposed to know which card would open the door? She forgot what she was looking for when she saw a condom, hidden inside a compartment where you usually put photos. She took it out.

"Huh," she said, holding it up. "It's not used!"

His cheeks were burning red.

"Why would I keep a used condom in my wallet?" he asked.

He tried to take it back, but she was shifting on her feet a little, swaying to the alcohol, and he was scared to tip her over if he tried too hard.

"Give it back..." he pleaded.

"You should throw it out," she suggested.

Why? Because you know I don't have sex at all? That I didn't have sex in... Shit.

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