17. The Conclusion

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She had spent all morning trying not to think about the upcoming evening. It was no use. Every time she was in a room with Cam, she tried to better her skills of reading body language, but that didn't work either. She couldn't tell if Booth had told her about them. Cam had a knack for staying professional around her. Maybe she knew. Maybe not.

If Brennan were the type of person to count her blessings, she would have thanked God that Angela really wasn't speaking to her. She wanted to tell her everything, though, at the same time, she wanted to focus on the case. But for the first time in her life, she didn't feel like working. At all.

She was anxious to see him. She wondered if it would be awkward. If everyone would notice something was different. If things would be different. How different.

Hodgins knocked on the glass wall of her office.

"Angela wanted me to tell you that the 3D rendering of the attack is complete. Booth's on his way."

"Thanks," she managed to say, as her heart dropped to her stomach. As soon as Hodgins left, she got up and let out a breath. Calm down.

They were all around the Angelator, waiting for Booth to arrive. She kept checking behind her to see if he was there yet. No one seemed to notice.

"There he is!" Cam announced.

Brennan instantly looked at him. He locked eyes with her and she tried not to smile too broadly. She quickly looked away, putting her pretend focus on the table where the images Angela had created would appear in a matter of seconds.

Booth had never been so nervous or happy to see her. The look they had just exchanged, that private, knowing look went straight to his gut. He let out a "Let's see what you got, Angela," and stayed close to Brennan. Very close.

As the Angelator's first images came up, she felt the back of his hand brush against hers. She discreetly moved her fingers to touch it.

Angela's explanation of the sequence of events punctuated by Cam's and Hodgins' questions didn't even reach her ears. Nor his.

Booth was caressing her hand now. Under everyone's nose. And no one knew anything. This moment was pure perfection.

She let her fingers slowly trace lines in his palm. He could feel shivers down his spine.

Lost in the moment.

"Dr. Brennan?"

The second time Cam called out her name, she finally heard it. She instantly broke hand contact and played with her necklace instead. She looked at Angela, who was frowning at first, and caught the exact moment when she understood.

"Oh. My. God," the artist jerkily let out, just above a whisper.

Cam smiled, thrilled, but not wanting to show it, she crossed her arms over her chest and looked to the floor.

"Are you serious?!" Hodgins almost squealed.

"I don't even know what's going on," Dr. Edison said.

"Of course you don't," Hodgins stated.

Angela pulled Brennan away. She led her outside the room and pulled her arm all the way to her own office, where she let go and closed the door. She turned to Brennan.

"I have a feeling I can talk to you. Am I mistaken?"

"No," Brennan admitted, shyly smiling along her friend's overexcitement.

"Did you sleep with him?" she shrieked before putting a hand in front of her mouth.

"No. He wants to take me out, first."

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