14. Stuck in Reverse

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"But I've been planning the menu for weeks now!" Angela whined to Brennan. She handed her the digital copy of the 3D rendering so she could file it with all the other evidence.

"I just feel like all we've been doing lately is having drinks and dinners." And drama. "I love spending time with you all, but I'd rather be alone tonight," Brennan explained.

Angela turned off the computer screen and found her keys in her purse.

"Are you mad?" Brennan checked.

Angela was about to deny it, to reassure her friend. But she decided to be honest.

"Kind of. I've been looking forward to this evening for a really long time. I've cleaned up my apartment, bought food for a million people... I've even made vegetarian lasagna, which I hate, just for you."

Brennan did feel bad.

"Please, Brennan," Angela continued. "It'll only be like... 4 hours." She saw Brennan was starting to consider it, so she added another enticing fact. "Plus! Booth will be there..." she finished.

Brennan's face went blank and she wiped an imaginary stain from her skirt. Angela's jaw dropped.

"That's why you don't want to come?"


"It is! You don't want to see him."

Brennan sighed.

"Things are really weird between us right now."

"Weird how?"

"I don't know. He's acting all... strange."

"Are you sure you're not imagining things?" Angela tried.

"Maybe. But it's still uncomfortable."

"Then... I'll disinvite him!"

"You can't do that! He'll know it's because of me. Then he'll get even weirder."

Angela found the perfect thing to say. Maybe it wasn't right, maybe she should have let it go, but she really wanted her best friend to be there.

"And you think things will go back to normal when he realizes you're avoiding him?"

You could never go wrong with logic.

"Fine. Do you need me to bring anything?"

"Vegetarian lasagna?"

"I thought you said..."

Angela's wicked smile tainted with a sparkle of shame interrupted her.

"I'll see you tonight, then," she concluded.

They had been through rough spots before. They would easily survive this tense situation. Brennan took a deep breath as she waited for Angela to open the door.

"Hi, sweetie." She greeted her with a kiss on the cheek before taking the lasagna from her hands. "Thanks for this."

Brennan took off her coat and hung it in the closet.

"When are the others getting here?" she asked.

"They're probably on their way. Except Booth."

Brennan fixed her eyes on Angela.

"You told him not to come?" she said, a little panicky.

"No, he called and said he couldn't make it."

Angela fled to the kitchen with Brennan at her heels.

"Why?" Why are you disappointed?

"He didn't say."

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