13. The End of the Line

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"I think Booth told me he wants to sleep with me," Brennan whispered to Angela who was slowing the car down to a full stop, one red light before her apartment.

Saying it out loud didn't help her come to grasp with what had just happened.

"What?!" her friend screeched. "When?!"

"Right before we left."

"And you left? Are you insane?!"

Brennan pointed in front of them.

"The light's green, Ange."

Angela started driving again.

"He said..."

Angela interrupted her vehemently. "No! No! No! No! Wait! Don't say anything yet!"

She turned onto Brennan's street. She waited until the car was parked to continue this oh-so-important conversation. She turned off the engine, undid her seatbelt and took her friend's hands.

"Ok, slowly explain to me what happened."

Brennan tried to think. "He said he was convinced we would sleep together someday, and asked me if I did, too."

"What did you say?"

She winced as she recalled, "Something that sounded like 'I... Uh... too... Uhm... think... bye.'"

"And what does that mean?"

"It was supposed to mean yes. I think."

Angela shook her head in disbelief. How sad was it that such an incredibly gifted and beautiful woman didn't have a clue how to go after what she wanted if it wasn't in a professional capacity?

"And what did he say?" she wanted to know.

"Nothing. You told me we were leaving, so we left."

"You're telling me this is my fault? You could be having sex with Booth right now?"

"Well, I don't know about that. He said someday."

And he handed me my purse. He wanted me to leave.

"Now I want to kill myself."

Brennan gave her an insisting look, head tilted.

"But I won't," she promised.

Brennan looked out the window.

"What do I do now?"

"Oh, please, honey, you go for it!"

"But I... maybe it was a joke," she rationalized. "I don't always understand his humor."

Angela grabbed her friend's chin and pulled it towards her.

"You realize you are in denial, right? You tell him you want him too, you show him you want him too and you tell him what you've just shown him. You can't be overly explicit with that man."

"I'll have to think about it," Brennan said, getting out of the car.

"Oh! No, no, no!" Angela rapidly objected. "You cannot think." She yelled at her friend as the passenger door slammed shut. "Don't think! You'll ruin everything!"

Too late, Brennan had disappeared into her building.

At least she had made some true progress. For the first time, Brennan hadn't denied wanting Booth. But the tribulations were far from over, she thought. She had a feeling those two would push each other around some more before accepting their fate.

Booth didn't bother turning on the lights in his apartment. He walked straight to his bedroom and sat on the mattress. What the hell was wrong with him? He couldn't believe he had told her he was convinced they would sleep together someday. It was idiotic. He only wanted to shock her to get the truth once and for all. She had been shocked alright. But she had said yes. She had, right? She couldn't take it back. He didn't really want to take it back either, but he didn't want to face the consequences of their words. Would she avoid him? Would she confront him? Would she... He knew her by heart. He just had no clue what to expect this time. Except a sleepless night, of course.

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