Chapter 18

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As I sat in the swing outside with the baby monitor on the side table. Trevor walks out and slides beside me pulling me close. I smile "so when's the wedding?" I ask looking up at him. "When ever you want it princess" I sigh "men always letting the girls do the weddings, ok!" I giggle and he chuckled. "We'll if you need help just ask" he replies. "We'll I I do need money" I say with a smile and puppy dog eyes. He sighs with a smile "anything for my princess" I get up kissing him on the lips and leaves to get my friends to help. First call to my best friends ever Amy and Paige. I call Amy knowing Paige was with her "hello?" Asks Amy on the other end "hey what's up girl?" I ask as she squeals "I miss you so much when are we going to see you again?" She asks as Trevor walks in. "Toda-" then I was cut off with her saying "will be there soon" and hanging up. "Who was that?" He asks putting his arms around my waist "Paige and Amy my best friends ever" I say grabbing a bowl to eat some cereal "are they coming to help?" I look up at him "yes today if that's ok" I say grabbing the milk "yep" he says kissing my lips asking for entrance which I granted. After the kiss I went upstairs and got ready, Paige and Amy should be but an hour or two. I just remembered I didn't tell mom or dad with that thought I walk down stairs and out tithe barn. "Hey beautiful" he says trying to pull me close "as much as I would love a kiss your all sweaty."he chuckled. My papaw watched from the tractor with a smile on his face. "We need to make a day soon to go visit my mom and dad to tell them" I say with a smile "ok how about Monday that gives you three days to start on the wedding stuff and pack"he looks down at me as I shake my head in agreement. He smiles evilly picking me up and carries me to the muddy area of the barn "DON'T YOU DARE!" I yell to him "to late"then he drops me in the mud making me scream. I got up and threw mud at him. My papaw shakes his head as my Mamaw laughs at us. Trevor picks me up and swings me around trying to get the mud to dry. "TREVOR CREEK! YOU BETTER PUT ME DOWN NOW!" That's what I yell to him as he spins me around, then he stops and drops me in it again. I hadn't realized we where in the mud for two hours until Paige and Amy came to the back and saw us me bent over laughing and grabbing mud, smearing it all over his face and him doing the same "your done, my master piece is done" that made me laugh and roll my eyes. Then I saw Paige and Amy "how long have y'all been standing there?" I ask getting out with Trevor behind me. " long enough"Amy replied with Paige laughing at us. "Let me go get a shower and clean cloths on then ill be ready "ok" they say in union "who started it?" Paige asks as we start up the stairs I point at Trevor while he points at me. "Boy I would watch it" I say in fake warning. I turn to April door and peek in she was still asleep. I then go to mine and well now Trevor's room and get clean cloths "I'm guessing I'm taking a shower with you?" He asks huskily "nope"I say popping the p. "you can use the water hose" I say going into the bathroom with the girls while laughing. "Your asking for it angel creek" that made us all laugh. "Ok" I say back before turning the water on and hopping in. After I was ready to leave I walk to the back door and yell bye to my Mamaw and papaw, then walk into the kitchen an kiss Trevor bye. "Bye" I walk over to the door "bye be careful and don't forget to mind link me later so I know your ok" I look back at him " I can't and you know that" he smiles evilly.

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