Chapter 37

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I was finely drifting off to sleep at one in the morning when i hear a sigh and fell the bed dip. I open my eyes and look at Trevor "I'm sorry" he whispers as he wraps me in his arms. "Its not your fault"
He looks at me about to protest but i interrupt "i love you and i don't care what we go through as long as i have you by my side." He stares at me then bends down and kisses me on the lips.
I smile at him softly.
"I love you too" he replies "so much it hurts" after that we drifted off to sleep. I wake up early in the morning feeling tired. I look behind me at Trevor and trace his jaw line "if you keep on doing that you'll pay" i just giggle.
My phone starts ringing "hello?" i ask "hi this is your alpha Chris" i look at Trevor knowing he was listening in. "I need to meet with you and Trevor when would be a good time?" "We can come now if you want." I reply "ok thats perfect" he replies and then hangs up.
I look at Trevor "what did you do?" i ask "i didn't do anything. I smile at him "it was a joke" i say as i roll my eyes. "Come on we have to go meet with them" i get up slowly but Trevor was by my side and he picks me up bridle style as he carries me to the walk in closet.
"What do you want to wear?" he asks "it doesn't matter a sundress" he grabs a pretty pink and purple sundress and a nice shirt with some blue jeans for him" we change and he carries me down the step "hey guys we have to go somewhere!" i yell in the house knowing my baby girl wasn't here. "Where are you going?" my mom asks with everyone behind her "alpha wanted to see us" i answer.

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