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You didn't see that coming?



Even though she had only been around the Avengers for a week, she had already come accustomed to the banter between Cap and Tony. The comm in her ear buzzed with noise, as her comrades battled the Sokovian H.Y.D.R.A forces.

"And for gosh sakes. Watch your language!" Tony mocked Cap into the comm, he's attention then turned to her. "Hey, stop being so quiet. I need you now, this shield is proving difficult to crack. Thor can you give her a lift?"

"If I knew where the Lady Alice is I would."

"Don't worry, I'm already on it..." Alice commented, her focus entirely on manipulating the energy of the shield.

"Are you done yet?" Tony whined into the comm.

"Maybe if you were paying more attention you'd notice that I've got a nice big whole in the shield for you. I've reversed it so that the H.Y.D.R.A tanks can't fire into the main city and cause collateral damage."

"Good girl." Tony cooed and then he went silent on the comm.

"Clint's been hit!" Natasha's voice sounded from inside the comm.

"Do you need me there?" Alice asked in response.

As a healer, she found it was her duty to come to anyone's aid if they were injured. Though her healing abilities were admirable they weren't spectacular. She couldn't bring people back from the dead.

"No, just focus on your part in the mission, but someone wanna deal with that bunker?"

A loud grunt, followed by Natasha's gratitude flowed into Alice's ear.  Alice felt as if punched in the chest. She hated not being able to help, when she knew full well that she could.

A gush of wind passed by her, trailing behind was a blue blur. Then before she could say anything to the others she was swept off her feet. A male no more then a year older than her stood before her a smirk on his face. He jaunted before smugly saying, "What, you didn't see that coming?" As he was about to run off, Alice flicked her wrist.

An energy orb flew from her hand and pushed him into a tree. Snow from the branches falling onto his head. A small round burn mark on his abdomen from the orb. He grunted and seemed momentarily shocked by this occurrence.

"I'm still faster."

Again before he could run off, Alice created a small energy band keeping him in place at the bottom of the tree. Pulling the comm temporarily from out of her ear she rushed over to him. This was clearly one of the Enhanced. One of Strucker's lab experiments. The others weren't to know that she was healing him. She kneeled down to him and peered at the burn mark.

"What, you didn't see that coming?" She mimicked him with the same smirk.

His face flew up in a mixture of confusion and rage. Was this some kind of trick? First she hurts him, then she offers to fix the damage she caused. This Avenger was not like the ones he was foretold about.

"What are you doing?" He spat in disgust, his accent strong.

"Shhh... I'm trying to help. I'm sorry I hit you. I'm not a killer, well I don't kill the innocent. Now let me heal you." She said impatiently.

"Get off me! This is just a trap. You want me dead."

"I want bad people dead, not you, you're not bad, you're just... Misguided..." She whispered. Her head tilted to the wound she had inflicted on him. "I also want you to stay still." This she said as if in a joking matter.

All her focus was on fixing the damage she had caused. She waved her hands around and over the burn, her hands emitting a soft light. Though she was unaware, the boy watched intrigued. Was she too 'Enhanced' an experiment?

"You know, I've never seen such a pretty face before." He commented before shortly smirking, "Unless I walk by a mirror."

"I'm trying to concentrate." She replied and muttered something under her breath, sounding like 'self-obsessed'.

"Flattery doesn't work hmm?" He laughed.

"Maybe it does, when it's not told by a jerk." Alice scoffed making the boy laugh.

"But I'm no jerk, what's your name pretty face?" He sighed and blew a piece of hair out of his face.

"Why do you need to know?" She rolled her eyes looking up at him.

He had a strong build, silver hair and icy, blue eyes. A smirk plastered onto his face. "Well he isn't ugly... He's actually pretty alright loo- No! Alice he is the enemy!" She scolded herself in her thoughts.

"Attack for an attack, name for a name." He explained, his voice laced with a Sokovian accent.

"That doesn't even make sense." She laughed and muttered 'attack for an attack'.

"Pietro." He smiled flashing a grin.

"Alice..." She replied returning to healing his wound.

"The pretty faced, Lady Alice it is!" He smirked in triumph.

Lady Alice

Those two words quickly reminded her of Thor and in turn reminded her that she had a job to do. "There done." She smiled a pleased expression on her face. She waved her hands over the band keeping him down. Removing it. She knew he'd, so to say, 'retaliate'. And he did punching her in the jaw and then running off, but Alice was sure she heard him confusingly utter the word 'thanks'. She got up rubbed her hand over her jaw and then put the comm back in.

"What of the Enhanced?" Thor asked into the comm.

"He's a blur." Cap answered.

"He is fast..." Alice nodded convinced.


"Alice can you feel it?"

"Feel what?"

"The sceptres presence?"

"Of course I can feel it Stark!" She hit him on the arm, "I just don't know how to get to it..." She mumbled.


"The door on your left sir. I'm detecting metal reinforcement." J.A.R.V.I.S replied.

"So helpful."

"And an air current."

"Small one get back to the ship, I'll meet you there." Tony ordered as he walked to the wall.

Please be a secret-door, please be a secret-door, please be a secret-door

A strong energy passed through the room, followed by Tony's girlish squeal.


It was so small, the tiniest noise. Alice paused something was wrong. Should she worn Tony? No he'd be fine. Then the softest of whispers. Strong accents, velvet voices.

"Not her..."

"Why not, she's one of them?"

"No she's... Different..."

"How so?"

"She healed me after she hurt me with her powers."


"I think she's like us... Enhanced..."

Alice was intrigued to hear the rest of their conversation but felt that she would be needed in the QuinJet. She left quietly.

"Hey Thor, I've got eyes on the prize." Tony's voice sounded from the comm.

Everything was fine...

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