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I think your confusing,
'Peace' with 'Quiet'

"Time for some mind games."

The battle went on. Iron Man against Ultron. Thor and Captain America fighting Ultron drones and Pietro. Hawkeye and Natasha, the assassins of the team were dealing with other issues. Alice too was fighting drones and Pietro, which was proving difficult. It wasn't a Code Green so Bruce was waiting in the QuinJet.

Pietro, the male Enhanced, had clearly learnt from his encounter with Alice. Dodging her orbs and attacking her from behind, but mainly avoiding her. He was too busy fighting with Thor and the Captain as they were more of a threat than Alice.


Tony was far away fighting Ultron. Natasha, Thor and Steve were all out of action. It was just Clint and Alice left. The girl Enhanced was doing something to their brains. Manipulating them so they would be experiencing their worst fears or reliving them. The boy had pushed Alice into the ground and stepped on her legs to stop her from getting up so that his sister could use her 'magic' on Alice. The girl waved her hand around the side of Alice's head, a red aura flowing from her fingertips, then she touched her temple.

Wanda laughed knowing her job was almost done, and Pietro lifted his foot from her leg.

"Why'd you do that? She's like us."

"He might figure out I missed one..."


Problem detected. System is shutting down. Reboot in 5.






Alice awoke, the twins were there in front of her. What they were discussing Alice didn't know or care. Slowly she waved her hands creating two energy bands over them, holding them tight against the wall.

"Not again..."

"How did she?"

Alice stood up, dizzy from the impact and Wanda's magic. She stood before them and looked them both in the eye. Working quickly she created two energy orbs with her hands. These two were unlike the one she used on Pietro before, instead of bright white they were blue. She raised her hands and pressed the orbs into the chests of the twins. They instantly looked like they had been running for days and were in need of much sleep. Their shoulders slackened and they looked much less tense. Like the energy had been sucked out of them. However, Pietro looked much more energetic than Wanda.

"I think now would be the perfect time to quote you Maximoff. What, you didn't see that coming?" She laughed, but not in an insulting manner, "You know, if I were you guys I would've left Ultron by now. I mean it's kind of obvious he wants everyone dead." She reasoned with them.

"Get away from us!" Wanda shrieked and used her ability to push Alice away.

Alice stumbled, now believing that Wanda couldn't be reasoned with she focused her gaze on Pietro. "I could've killed you when we first met, but I didn't. I won't harm you and if I do it would be an accident. But Ultron's not on anyone's side, he'll end up throwing you two aside, don't say I didn't warn you." The tone in her voice had changed, though it was reasoning, she was talking in a 'told you so' kind of voice.

"Don't listen to her Pietro. She is lying."

"Then read her!"

"I'm trying, she is difficult..."

"How could she be she's a year younger than us?"

"I don't know? It's like she is blocking me, somehow..."

"I think she's Enhanced, its the only way, she could possibly be able to block you..."

"Impossible we were the only survivors!"

"Then ask!"


"Stop talking to each other inside your heads! From my point of view it looks weird." Alice laughed.

The words were formed on Pietro's lips all he had to do was make the sound. But his sisters constant protesting was thundering in his head. "Are you-"

"Am I what?"


"Brother no!"

"I don't know..." Alice waved her hands and the energy bands were removed.

Both the twins slid to the floor exhausted. Whatever Alice had done it had done its job in tiring them out. Alice kneeled down and healed the mark on both of them where her orbs had hit them.

"You know, you're healing is pointless." Wanda laughed.

"How so? I don't think your brother can heal himself from my abilities... Yes I know what you two are both capable of..."

"No your Avenger friends will just kill us anyway!"

"You're wrong..."

"Oh really..."

"They'd have to get through you two first!" She smiled at them.

"Why do you help us?" This time it was Pietro who spoke.

"Because I li-"


Wanda had lifted a metal bar and hit Alice across the head with it. "Come on Pietro we have a job to finish. Who is left?"

"Her, the bird man, and the big one..."

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