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I've done it before,
I can do it again!

No one entered and no one exited the room. She didn't eat, she didn't sleep, she didn't drink. Her hand clutched onto his. She wouldn't let it go and her eyes were focused and didn't leave him.

Each Avenger would take turns to watch through the window, and make sure Alice was doing okay. If anyone entered she would send an electrical pulse at them. She was being anti-social.

On the shifts where the whole team would watch they would talk, and discuss Alice. "She knows she can't bring him back right?" Was the most common thought. Though everyone prayed she could do so, Wanda praying the most, they were doubtful. Wanda was allowed in the room on occasions where Alice had 'drifted'. The team decided that 'drifted' was when Alice seemed to be asleep but had her eyes open. Trained on his face.

His shirt was never changed, but somehow the bloodstains had disappeared and he seemed to be regaining the tiniest amounts of colour every hour or so. It was Clint who pointed this out. But the tiniest amounts of colour were so subtle, people stopped looking for it.

A full 48 hours had passed since, his untimely death. Still holding onto his hand Alice now sat up, her eyes never leaving him. Tony said it was creepy. Every 20 minutes, Alice's whole body would emit a soft white glow, the glow would then float from her and transfer to him. It seemed that whatever she was doing, she was bringing him closer to his normal appearance. The colour in his eyes and skin had returned in three days and there was no proof of any bullet wounds on him by four.

On the fifth day, Wanda entered the room, but Alice hadn't drifted. Unlike, every previous attempt she let Wanda in, and she spoke. She allowed Wanda to hold her brothers body and hold his hand. "Alice..."

"They can come in... I want you all to see..." She spoke, her voice barely audible.

Each Avenger, slowly entered the small room. Leaving a wide space around him they could only just squeeze all in.

Just like every time before hand, at the 20 minute interval, her body emitted the white glow. It floated off from her body and slowly drifted into his. Then the glow seeped into his very skin and for a moment his skin glowed. The team sat their confused, what exactly was she doing and how was he looking better every time, this occurrence happened.

"Alice..." Natasha whispered.

"Shhh..." She shushed her, still her eyes never leaving his, "Look closely..."

Everyone looked at him. His lifeless body, but it didn't seem so lifeless anymore. It was the slightest movement. His chest, moved up and down. He was breathing.

"Alice..." Steve gasped in shock.

"Shhh... He's now in a coma, he should be back with us in a couple days..."

"How?" Wanda breathed, tears flooding down her cheeks.

"I'm sending my life force to him, I have two and one restores whenever I 'charge up'. I'm giving him my first life force."


"My abilities; energy generation, reconfiguration, redirection and manipulation, healing. Energy is life itself."

Alice was giving up her first life force to bring him back to life. The reason she was plugged into a wall, was to make sure she herself had enough energy to make that sacrifice. As Fury had said, "As long as she's been charged up she doesn't need her heart." Clearly what he meant was she has two lives.

"Alice..." Wanda cried into her brothers hand. She could feel warmth coming back to him. Wanda stood up and crawled over to Alice, then hugging her she cried into her shoulder making out the word, "Thank you..."

The team left to discuss what they had just seen.

I'm reaching out to you,
Can you hear my call,
This hurt that I've been through,
I'm missing you,
Missing you like crazy,

On the seventh day the whole team stayed by the window side, determined to watch this whole day through. Alice was certain he would be joining them shortly. At the 20th interval, the white glow grew from her body. Instead of detaching itself from her though, it grew. Her eyes glowed bright white and the room was filled with white light. In a matter of seconds this spectacle finished with the light being sucked into him. The white glow in her eyes faded and soon the room seemed dimmer than ever before. She let go of his hand.

Suddenly, eyes open, breathing, sitting up.


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