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I need...
I need to see her.


He was sitting up, breathing, looking very much alive. Out of shock and happiness Alice sat up just as quickly as he had done, but this quick action unplugged her and before she could even utter another word, an exhaustion overcame her. Her eyes felt heavy all of a sudden and her mind was dizzy, a sudden change in pigment and she was on the floor. She had just fainted.

"Alice!" Pietro gasped, only when he heard the loud thud on the floor did he know she was there.

Too many thoughts ran through his mind. Running faster than he himself could. He couldn't remember anything that had happened after he had collapsed and died. But if he had died why was he here? And why was he covered in blankets when Alice now lay unconscious beside him on the bare floor?

"Yes, I died, I was dead for what felt like an eternity. But then, somehow, life flowed back into my body and I've come back. I don't know how and I don't know why, but it must have been the same thing as the miracle that gave me super speed..." He thought to himself.

"Pietro!" Another familiar voice called to him, it was his sister, she flung her arms around him and squeezed him for what felt like forever, he hugged her back just the same.

Everyone was shocked to see him, alive, well and alive. They all rushed into the crowded room to give him words of welcome, pats on the back and a general group hug. Steve however, was not part of his welcome committee and instead he had kneeled down and lifted Alice into his arms. Pietro caught sight of her and realisation spread across his face.

"Is she?" He stammered, trying to get up, to reach out to her, only to be pushed back down by his sister.

No one spoke, Steve looked over to Tony, concern written on their faces, and together they exited the room. Alice limp in Steve's arms, only recognisable by her white hair and legs hanging over the side of his arms. Pietro looked terrified, and his eyes darted from Natarsha, to Clint, even to Thor and the Vision. Lastly, his eyes made contact with Wanda's and their expressions mirrored each other.

Pietro was instructed to stay in his room while he was checked over. No one was quite sure how Alice had saved him, but they needed to make sure she had healed him entirely. A short temper he already had but he was determined to see Alice. No word had came from how she was for two days since he was resurrected. Wanda had tried to read her but said that all she could see was static. The only person who had contact with her was Tony and he was barely seen without bags under his eyes and a coffee in his hand.

Pietro was finally let out but he was still not allowed to see Alice. No one was. Instead he was subjugated to training from Steve and Natarsha. He and his sister were to for the New Avengers, along with War Machine, Falcon, and The Vision. Steve had muttered once in their training sessions that if Alice survived she too would be a member of the new team. If she survived. This dampened Pietro's mood and only made him more aggressive.

"Pietro!" Wanda scolded him one day. The new and old Avengers were having a meal together when a heated argument over Alice issued.

"What's he doing to her?!" He yelled thickly at Steve, "Is he pulling her apart? Let me see her!"

"We don't know, no ones allowed to see her." Steve rolled his eyes at the boy, this was probably the fifth time an argument happened over the dinner table.

Pietro looked infuriated but one look at all the other people sitting at the table made him calm his aggressions. They all looked down cast, they all wanted to see her but they weren't sure when that'd be, or whether she'd be alive when they were permitted to see her again.

A depressing silence filled the room, only to be broken by the click of a door as Tony walked in. No one spoke, and even Pietro didn't look up.

"There, there, take it easy..." He whispered loud enough for them all to hear, but they didn't look up, although his words made no sense.

"Tony, I am not a child." Her voice sounded and Tony moved so she was in view, struggling to walk through the door.

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