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I took a solo walk to the beach to get away from the obnoxious couple and our friends. It felt like there was a large cloud within the five of us and only Mitch and I could see it.

I sat down on the warm sand and let the swooshing sound of the waves comfort me. It was nice to be in such a tranquil environment. Well, that was until I heard two voices harmonizing on my left.

"And though the sand may be washed by the sea..."
"And the old will be lost in the new..." They sang together: "Well four will not wait for three... For three never waited for two..."

I was about to head over to the couple and complement them on their beautiful collaboration when I saw their faces. Ladies and gentlemen, Scott Hoying and his beautiful girlfriend, Elsa Marcus.

I watched as they looked into each other's eyes as if they were the last pizza slices. Scott cupped Elsa's face in his hands and his lips met hers. He slowly pulled away and let her rest on his shoulder. They sat there with their eyes closed.

My legs suddenly felt numb and I couldn't stand anymore. I sat down and actually cried. Like, the type of crying where it's just you, your tears and a lot of sniffing. No sound coming out of your mouth.

I thought about how pathetic I actually looked crying at such a beautiful place. Something had to be done. I wiped my eyes and walked back to our hotel.


Have you ever been so annoyed by someone that their mere presence makes you sick? You look at them and you can literally feel the bile coming up your throat. Why are they even breathing? That’s how I felt about the Elsa girl.

I walked into the lounge to find Avi, Kevin and the delightful Elsa just lazing around.

“I wonder what song Taylor’s going to sing for the concert…” Elsa randomly blurted, breaking the beautiful silence. Taylor Swift and her two best friends were in town and invited us to join her on stage. Kevin mentioned how he had been doing beats for Shake it off and Avi mentioned that he liked Bad Blood.

I didn’t want to seem awkward or weird around everyone so I said, “22!”
“Yeah, I love that one!” Elsa clapped with excitement. And I care, because…?
“What would you like to hear?” Kevin asked, directing the question to Elsa. She looked deep in thought for a while. It’s a song, not rocket science *insert rolling eyes*. Her face lit up and she exclaimed “Crazier!”

Okay, that took me by surprise. I didn’t expect her to have such a great taste in music. She liked OUR music but to become a Hannah Montana fan as well? Maybe, just maybe, she wasn’t so bad after all.

Ha, who am I kidding? Even the devil wears Prada.

Suddenly, we all heard a crash in the kitchen which got everyone to go dead quiet and still.

“Scott!” Elsa shouted and started shivering. I was seated closest to her so I had to try and comfort her. “Shh, I bet it’s nothing serious,” I lied. I was just as scared as she was, but I had to be the stronger one.

When we assumed everything had died down, led by Avi, the four of us burst into the kitchen to find a tense looking Scott and Mitch. Everyone was bombing Scott with questions while Elsa attached herself to his arm.
“Did you tell him?” I whispered to Mitch seeing as everyone was preoccupied. Mitch shook his head in reply and I gave him a knowing look before walking out, leaving him and Scott to, hopefully, talk.

You’re probably wondering why I cared so much about Mitch liking Elsa, but honestly, I didn’t. Scott and Mitch admired each other and would do anything to keep the other happy. If Mitch told Scott he loved Elsa, he’d be upset, but forced to let her go for the sake of their friendship. This is where I, the oh-so-loving-and-caring friend come in. At his most vulnerable, Scott would do anything and finally realize that the one who understands him *clears throat, Me* was right there all along. I know, I’m a genius.

I might have been a coldhearted Ice Queen but deep down – and I mean very deep down – in my heart I was warm. It just took a special something to take it out and that something was music.

“You got that James Dean daydream look in your eyes
And I’ve got that red lip classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down we come back everytime
‘Cause we never go out of style
We never go out of Style”

We were rehearsing for our opening for Taylor Swift’s SA tour. It was really nice of her to open for us. I mean, she’d be paying us AND opening for her would be great exposure. I’d do it for free to be honest. I wasn’t too happy to be sharing my spotlight with Elsa but whatever. She wouldn’t take away two things I loved, both Scott and singing.

I had my solo:
“You can tell me when it’s over
If the high was worth the pain…”
We joined forces:
“But I’ve got a Blank Space, Baby”

Mitch and Elsa sang together, “And I’ll write your name!”

Wrong Queen, Scott (A PTX Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now