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Penny (to Kevin): So it is an amazing documentary. They need the electricity from the dam, but at the same time they want to preserve the environment.

Leonard: You're kidding me. Uh, can I see you for a sec over here?

Penny: Oh, yeah. Sure. Just one sec?

Kevin: No problem.

Penny: What's up?

Leonard: I know what you're doing.

Penny: What am I doing?

Leonard: You're going out of your way to talk to that guy because I said we weren't on a date.

Penny: No, I'm talking to him because he's cute.

Leonard: Come on, he's not that cute.

Penny: Yes, he is. With his dorky T-shirt and his little hipster glasses.

Leonard: I wear dorky T-shirts and glasses.

Penny: Yes, but when you're tall and have great cheekbones, you're doing it ironically.

Leonard: If that's so, what if I start talking to a girl?

Penny: You should.

Leonard: I'm serious. I'll do it.

Penny: Good! Go! There are some girls right over there. What are you waiting for?

Leonard: They're in a group. I'm scared.

The Big Bang Theory Part 3Where stories live. Discover now