Ashley pov

Andy comes out and texted me saying that she is but that are grandparents told her that she cant have contact with me because it would ruin my career. Why, but I can't believe that I found her. I've been trying to find her for a year now and I found her. But cc is falling for her. I don't disagree,but if he hurts her I'll kill him.

Alex pov

As I'm sitting in the "living room" part of the bus checking Twitter.

Hey guys do you want to go to Wendy's and get something to eat? Andy said we all say yes but only me and ash stay behind.

So I have a question. Ashley said after everyone left.

Ok what is it? I said

Are you my twin sister? Ashley said very seriously.

Umm I can't answer that.

Why can't you?

For my safety. I said as I walk to my bunk but before I got to it I was dragged into the backroom.

Tell me because I'm looking for her. Ash said

Yes im your older twin. I say looking directly into his eyes. His lips curl into a smile and hugs me.

I fainlly found you after a year.

Well you do know that I'm not welcome into your grandparents home. Right?

Why can't you?

They believe I'm the reason that our parents died. I said almost crying.

How? Ash asked confused

When our mom was giving birth she died. After that our dad committed suicide. I'm sorry. I understand that if you never want to talk to me again. I said crying, but what surprised me was he hugging me.

I could never hate you. You didn't kill them. He said.

Thanks for not blaming me. Like every one has been.

No problem I'm just glad to have you.

I'm happy that you know now. And I guess I should fix my crew Id.

Ya let every one know your a Purdy.

I will. Don't worry.

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