CCS pov

Oh my god I found her. Well she found us.

As she says good bye to the crowd we all run back stage. When I get back there I hugged her. I missed her so much.

Get off of me. She said with anger.

Alex what happened. Ashley said

Don't you guys get it.

Get what. Braden asked

Devil in the mirror and I am bullet proof. I said trying to stay calm

I get it. I said.

You do. Ash said.

Ya she was saying she is here but won't surrender. Also that we have no control over her. Then going on and saying everything you throw at me won't infect me. As the song says I am bullet proof. I said.

You almost got the whole message. Alex said.

What do you mean. Braden said.

That is what you have to find out. Alex said then disappear.

What are we going to do. Ash said.

Remember this guys my heaven is your guys hell Alex said.

Shit. She is planinng something. Braden said. And walked away.

Come on CC we need to get to the bus. Ash said.

Ash I think im going insane. I said.

Why do you think that. Ash asked.

For the past year I have been dreaming of Alex. I said.

If you are she ain't causing them. Do you see how she is? Ash said

Ya. I said and walked on the bus.

Hey you should go to bed because we have an interview at 8 in the morning. Ash said.

i will after i go out for a fly. i said and walked outside.

when i take off i reached the clouds. i looked over the warped grounds and i find Alex with her band mates. i go to fly over and go lower down. when i do i got too close to a tree and break my right ring. and i prepare for a impact that never came. i open my eyes and found Alex holding me up.

why are you so clumsy? she asked

i dont know. i said

lets get you to the bus.

okay. i said as she fly's to the bus.

we get on the bus Ashley and them run over to us.

oh my god your back Alex! Andy said

ya i have been back watch him he broke his wing trying to fly to me. she said rolling her eyes.

What do you mean you have been back. Jinxx asked

well sweet little human i changed my appearance. Alex laughed out and started to leave.

wait Alex! i yelled wanting to thank her.

what cc. she said calmly.

i Christian Robert Mora rejects you Alex Angel Purdy as my mate. i said and didn't mean to say that.

what! no please no. please tell me that that wasn't true. Alex screamed and flames exploded from her.

im extremely sorry Alex i dont know why i just did that. i said almost crying

why i always stayed with you threw out the year. yes you might of thought you are crazy but i was controlling your dreams! every night i went into your mind and hung out with you! and this is how you repay me! Alex said with light coming from her.

CC! are you okay! i think Jake asked before i passed out.

Alex pov

light came from both of us but i dont know why. and CC passed out.

Alex where are your wings! Andy yelled.

i guess i accidentally gave then to CC just to let you guys know that he ill have white devil wings. i said and left.

i walked to the youtuber bus and beat he door wanting for my brother, Branden, to open up.

What do you want we are trying to sleep. a grumpy johnnie said.

let me in before i kill you and send your body to hell as a gift. i threatend

oh my hell Branden get in here! alex is here! johnnie yelled.

as soon as he heard my name he and everyone eles ran in the lounge area.

Branden i have a question. i said.

what is it? he said

be honest with me. did you have a part in CC rejecting me? i said almost crying

yes but because Satan told me if i didnt that he would kill everyone i love. he said almost crying.

i forgive you. but i have another one. i said

let me guess. it is about how you are all knowing and powerful, but didnt know about the rejection is it because before you got your power God put a spell on you. yes God did it to you also. that is the only thing in my life that God and Satan worked together on. Branden said.

okay and is all the youtubers in here? i asked

yes ma'am. kyle said

okay first dont call me that. it makes me feel old. then you all stop taking orders from Satan. only take orders from me. got it? i said.

a choras of yes erupts.

we are all going to hell tomorrow. i said and went to my bus. as soon as i got on all of my band mates ran and hugged me.

oh my alex are you okay? Ryku asked

kinda. i signed

oh my alex what happend to your wings?! Zero asked and yelled.

long story but if you let me sit down ill tell you guys the whole story.

okay. kitito said.

*skip story because you guys already know it already*

wow do you want us to go to hell with you?? Ryku asked.

No offense but I only was Ryku to go with me since he can't die. I said.

Okay Zero said

Come on guys let's go to bed.

*Next day *

I wake up and get ready and I get Ryku up and we leave.

As we start to walk to the place to meet up when our tour manager comes up to us.

Hey unholy has to fill in for a band today so go get ready and welcome to the band Alex. He said, and walked away.

Ugh I said going to the YouTube bus with a smirk on my face.

The Heaven Within the Hell (cc fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now