Alex pov

When the light disappear I saw that CC had black angel wings and a halo. Then I realized that I have Devils wings.

When Ash got over to us I saw that he had white angel wings and a halo. What is happening

Ash why do you have pure white wings and a halo, and why does CC have black wings and a halo?

Follow me. He said as he picked up CC.

I follow him to the bus

When we got to the bus Ashley wakes up CC.

Now guys you might be confused on why you have wings and a halo or horns. Ashley said

What! I said while running to the bathroom to look in the mirror.

Why do I have horns and devils wings! I say scaring CC a little.

Calm down find the little bit of good in you.

Why should I? Give me one good reasons! I say as flames comes out of me.

Please if not me then CC. Ashley said with pleading eyes.

Please try to stay good for me because I can't handle seeing you like this. CC said with pleading eyes.

No don't listen to them! Someone said in my mind.

Who are you?! I yelled feeling like I was about to pass out.

Alex what is wrong? Ashley said Reaching out for me.

No don't touch me! I scream at him.

I'm you father but you need to find your other brother. Think of the name Braden Barrie you will go to him. You can only trust him and me right now.

I do as he say and end up in another tour bus I think it is the youtuber bus.

I see a group of youtubers and they all have devil wings and horns.

I need Braden Barrie. I say in pain.

Why do you need me? I'm guessing braden said.

I heard a voice say that I needed to find you. That I should only trust you and him. I say then another wave of pain hits.

Braden pov

I heard a voice say that I needed to find you that I should only trust you and him. She said then a rush of pain runs through her.

Father is this my sister? I say as i mind link him.

Yes that is Alex. She was with Ashley purdy and CC. Those two are her weakness, and you know she can't be with them right? He said with all seriousness

Ya, what do you want me to do?

Teach her and make her into a youtuber.

OK I have to go so I can hide her.

OK and it is OK if you slip up a little. Satan said.



How do you feel about staying with us for the rest of the tour?

It is better than having to stay with Ashley who lied to me.

OK, Jordan get her settle in the back room. OK?

Ya anything for your family. Jordan said leaving.

Family? Their is more? Alex said confused.

No their is you our father and me. Well you have ashley. I say with poison coming from my mouth when I say Ashley.

Ugh don't say his name again, and who is our father any way?

I'll explain everything tomorrow big sister. I say while I take her to the back to the back room.

Ashley pov (before she left bvb bus)

Who are you?! Alex yelled

Alex what is wrong? I said Reaching out for her.

No don't touch me! She scream at me.

After another minute She disappeared.

Shit. I said running out the bus.

What is happening?! CC said in a panic.

Look she shift and got mad. You got killed and she brought you back. But she is following her father because he gave her hope on finding out what she is, and how to control it. I say all at once.

Oh. Do we know where she went?

No, and I can't feel her present anywhere. It is either that she is not here or our bond is cut off.

Well let's check all the buses first.

Ya I agree with that. To the falling in reverse bus. And work are way around.

Alex pov

Braden! i yell in a panic.

he rushes in and brakes the door.

what is wrong Alex?! he said in a panic.

they are coming. and i know what i am and everything. but i still need you to help me.

ok how close are they.

about ten minutes away.

ok that should be enough time. Jordan Johnnie Kyle get in here!

ya what is up. Kyle said.

Do you guys remember the spell we need. Braden said.

Ya why? Johnnie said.

We need to do it now.

"OK." They all say.

"OK, Alex this spell is going to be on you you will look like Alex from my digital escape. Okay? " Kyle said.

Wait, why Alex? Johnnie asked confused.

Because she can pass as her and she can still go by the same name. Braden said.

After they got done with the spell they walked out but not Johnnie.

Alex, I don't have anything against you, it is just the girl you now look like is my girlfriend. Johnnie said nervous.

Oh I'm sorry. Does that mean we have to act like we are dating.

Ya you don't have to if you don't want to. Johnnie said.

I will so it is harder for them to find me.

OK. Johnnie said.

After Johnnie said that we heard a knock on the bus door.

Johnnie want to get that with me? I said not wanting to be in the room anymore.

Sure. he said.

When we walked out I grabbed his hand because it was my brother and CC.

Nah bro I haven't seen her. I heard Kyle lie.

Who haven't we seen. Johnnie asked.

Alex purdy. Kyle said.

Oh then who is at the door looking for her? I asked already knowing who it was.

Ashley and CC. Kyle said.

Oh. I said not amused

Well me and Alex are going to walk around OK braden. Johnnie said.

Ya what ever. Braden said.


I'm doing a contest. No their is no money. But send in a pic that matches the story with the title and if I like it you could have your picture as the cover.

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