Zero's pov

Oh my Alex. I found my mate.

I don't know if you guys know but I'm a vampire. When we reach the 600th mark of us being turned we find our mate at the same time we woke up.

Ah! Alex said as she collapsed.

What the fuck did you do to my mate. I yelled.

Ah so you finally got the connection. Lucifer said.

What do you mean. I said

Ya we rewired her mate. God said.

Why!? I yelled

Because I would of hated if she got destroyed because of CC. Lucifer said

What do you mean? I asked confused

If they stayed together he would of killed her in The end.

Oh. I said

So your job is to stay with her. God said.

You guys are not my bosses but because she is my mate I will. I said

I picked her up and went to the tour bus.

When I got there black veil brides, our band and all of the youtubers were there

What the hell happened to my mate! CC yelled.

She isn't your mate! Remember you rejected her and now she is my mate! I yelled and everyone went silent.

How is that possible? Ashley said.

What a second chance mate? I said

Ya your just a human. CC said.

That's were you are wrong. I'm a vampire that came from one if the best vampire hunter family. I said with a smirk.

Then how about you just kill yourself. CC said.

Christian! You don't say shit like that! Andy yelled

Alex pov

Then how about you just kill yourself. CC said

Christian! You don't say shit like that! Andy yelled

I started to move and open my eyes and found myself in the arms of Zero and I smiled.

Hi Zero. I whispered and he looked down and then it hit me. He is my second chance mate.

Hello beautiful. He whispered back.

Guys she is up! CC yelled and tried to take me from Zero.

Don't you dare. I said to CC.

But I'm your mate. He whimpered.

No I was you mate you rejected me and now I have my second chance mate that is Zero. I yelled getting down from Zero's arms.

Fine I will get you back no matter what. CC said. And the whole black veil brides walked off the bus.

Alex I need to talk to you. Zero whispered.

Okay. I said and went to the back room.

You know that you passed out right. He said

Yes I do. What happened after.

they admitted to making CC reject you but they told me why they did it to.


They said that if you guys stayed together that you would of died.

That makes since. I said.

It does? He said.

Ya it does. I said

Can you tell me?

He triggered my powers. And I got mad and unwilling I gave him my wings. I said almost crying.

Shh it's okay but you need to reject him

I know but I can't bring myself to do it. I barely said above a whispered.

It's okay babe. He said and kissed the top of my head.

After that I got up and walked off the bus. And I walk to the hill were my problems all first started at. Before the band. Before I was all knowing and powerful. Yes guys it took a little for me to get all of my powers. Why you ask well because if I got it all at one I would of died. Now tell me would you want my life to end like that?

Anyway I get there and sit under the tree that me and johnnie was under.

I just sat there looking up at the leaves and stars.

After awhile I hear someone coming so I go invisible.

Ugh where could she be? Ryku said.

I don't know but I'm going to beat Zero after we find her. Kittio said.

O my Alex! Ryku said.

What did you find her? Kittio asked.

No I think I know want happened. Ryku said.

What. Kittio said.

Zero is her second chance mate. Ryku said.

Shit that's not good. Kittio said.

Why do you say that. I said showing myself.

Fuck! Ryku said.

Spill. I said.

Umm I got an order from the upper gods of death. Ryku said.

And I got orders from the government. Kittio.

What did they want. I said annoyed.

The death gods told me that I can't let you be with your second chance mate. Ryku said.

The government said that nothing good can come From you and that we shall kill you. Kittio said.

You know what fuck them. They are not me! I yelled.

We know but they are who created us. Ryku said.

Ya about that, I need to tell u guys something. I said.

What is it? Kittio said.

I made you guys when I was little, like you all were once just my imagination. I said.

I don't belive it. Kaneki said.

It's true and I don't lie. I lied.

Well that's true. Ryku said.

If ony they knew what I knew what was going to happen they would be scared

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