Alex's POV

As I get to the park I climb and sit in the tree. Yes guys I can't fly or levitate. Levitation is something humans made up. Let me tell you it sucks not to be able to fly.

Alex! Are you here! CC yelled.

Ya I'm here. I yelled back jumping out of the tree. And not land right.

Oh my Alex are you okay? He said running to me.

No I can't move my right leg. I said almost crying, but knew it would fix itself in a minute.

Come on we have to get you to a hospital. He said picking me up.

Okay I said cuddling up to him.

Hold on we are going to fly. He said as my face lit up.

You know how long I've been wanting to fly once again.

Can't you still? He said as he took off.

No since I gave you my wings i couldnt fly. I said looking down.

Oh I'm sorry for doing that to you. he said and I could tell that he could believe that.

Hey it's fine but the way for us to be mates again will make it where I can okay.

Okay. If you don't mind how can that happen.

So our souls would be intertwined so what you have I have and what I have you will have. I said hoping that he would like it.

That sounds lovely. he said.

Oh and I hope you know my leg is fixed. I said with a smirk.

How? he said as he stopped.

My body heals as fast as it breaks.

Well let's go back okay? CC said.

When we got to the park I see Zero there pissed off.

What the fuck are you doing with my mate! Zero yelled.

I'm not your mate I spat at him.

Yes you are!

How about this we duel. Winner gets what they want. I said

Fine deal. He said thinking he would win. oh, but how wrong he is.

I look up to the sky and yelled game on, as I stomped my foot.

When the park turned into a Barrel ground we got our weapon and waited to go.

We will be together. Zero said.

Yeah right. I said.

Go! The field said and I took off towards him.

As he has speed I have magic. And magic beats speed any day.

I fake left and go right and get his upper arm as I get behind him and try to do a quick move to the neck but he moved

I'm not that stupid Alex. He said

With you we never know. I said as I put a ring of fire around us to keep him close with me.

Now you just made you more of an easier target. He spat with a smirk.

Nah remember I already know what the morjorty of what's going to happen. I said putting a crack in between us on the floor so he can't get to me.

I will get you no matter what. He said.

Not a chance. I said taking my sword and taking my magic and adjusting to make the final blow.

With out second guessing myself I stabbed him and won. Now you must think. Why Alex didn't you just kill him? The Awnser is no, sadley. They is no way you could kill someone in a battle. After yes but not during.

See I win. Now leave us alone. I said and started to walk away.

As I was walking away I hear someone fall to the ground. When I look back I find out that it's CC.

Oh my! What happened! I said almost crying.

He went to kill you, but... I.. Stepped in.. Front of.. Hi..him. He said

Hold on I'll fix this. I said as I started the process to combine us together.

There was a light that formed around us as I did it. Now I'm not going to lie it hurts like a bitch.

Once I was done I see that he is better and that he has his black Angle wings and his halo back and was very much alive.

What no he should be dead! Zero yelled.

Well he isn't, thanks to me. I said taking CC hand and telaporting.

When we got back to my new home. (Yes I created it) I collapsed.

Alex are you okay! CC said.

Eh. I said in pain.

What's wrong! CC said worried.

Just give it a minute. I groaned.

Ah! CC exlamed

Huh you are starting to feel it huh? I said with a smirk, even though I'm still in pain.

What's happening! He yelled.

Welcome to my life. When I turned I felt that every day and I think I'm starting to again.

Fuck! I feel bad for you.  he said

Eh. I said as I got up to go him.

What are you doing? CC asked

im used to this. you on the other hand is not. ill help you to the couch. I said.

Alex im so sorry that I ever rejected you in the first place. he said full of sorrow and guilt.

CC its fine. it wasn't you who meant to do it to me.

I know but I should of fought it. he said.

it doesn't matter, but you do need to go back to your bus okay.

why cant I stay with you. he said

because they need you to preform. I said and made him teleport back to the bus.

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