14. Please

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•Chanyeol's P.O.V•

As she turned away I just wanted to run after her, but I can't. I want her back into my arms. I miss her touch and her angelic voice.

"Oppa!" A ear piercing whine rang in my ears. I looked to see Haneul. Man she shouldn't of been my date! Worst of all my future wife!

"Hm?" I asked coldly.

"Are you talking to that Ailee girl again?"

"Yeah so what?"

"I don't want my fiancé to talk to another girl especially Dong Yejin!" She held onto my arm.

"Can you shut up? I never wanted you to be my fiancé in the first place, so get off my back." I pulled away harshly.

"But how about the baby?" I cringed to the thought of us doing that.

"Fine, fine. I just need to tell her about it." I sighed and walked away.


Next day

I walked to Yejin's house and hesitantly knock on her door.

*knock knock*

I see Yejin with my over-sized t-shirt, her natural face, and bed hair. She looked sexy in it I could just eat her up. Wait why does she have my t-shirt?

"Anneyong Yejin, I have to talk to you again." She looked at me and was about to slam the door. I slipped past before she could close the door.

"Yah!" She yelled as she tried to pull me out.

"This is important!" I walked her over to the couch and sit us down.

"What?" She whined.

"I-I," I sighed and looked down. "What is it already!" Yejin whined.

"I got Haneul pregnant..." Yejin's eyes were as big as the moon.

"How? I mean I know how, but when and why?"


flash back

It's been a two months since Yejin left me. I felt really lonely. Haneul was here and... She made me feel relieved.

A month later Haneul and I had a fight because I had enough of her. She's so clingy and annoying. I can't believe I dated her and I told all the girls that they weren't enough. GOD!

Today I saw Yejin with a new look since she debuts in a month. She dyed her hair dark brown and she's wearing lots of dark tight clothes with high heels and makeup. It's kinda hot. She looked at me with a really charming smile and I was shocked. Then she just click clacked away.

I got tapped on the shoulder. I turned around to see Haneul with tears in her eyes.

"What is it?" I asked softly. She just hands a plastic stick to me. It was a pregnancy test... It was positive?! I stared at it in shock. Am I the father?

"Am I the father?" I said with my voice cracking.

"Ne." She said quietly.

"Are you stupid?" I screamed at myself. I ran to the exit and ran home.


"That's how and why. Also, my mother found out and was mad and now I'm forced to marry a bitch witch." I sighed. I looked at Yejin's eyes, they weren't fierce or mad anymore. They were beautiful, caring, and understanding eyes that I fell in love with.

"How long has she been pregnant?" She asked as her head dropped.

"Only about two months." Yejin's looked back up. I saw tears flowing out.

"Does that mean we will never ever be- Never mind, just have a happy life." She stands up and wipes her eyes while looking the opposite direction.

"Just please wait for me. I love you." I walk up behind her and hugged her from behind.

"I hope you know I love you insanely." I whisper into her ear and kissed her cheek.

"Yah, Jinni! Why is the elf here?" I looked at her brother and we both immediately let go of each other.

"He's in my label so he's just visiting for a while." Yejin said with a weak voice.

"Okay fine, appa and umma are coming soon so... He'll have to leave." Taeyang walked away and I looked at her. She sighed and faced me.

"Remember this, I'll love you the same. I'm sorry for this sour attitude. It's just what you did was unforgivable. I really cannot fall in love with you." She embraced me and I hugged back. Tears forming in my eyes, I have to hold on longer. Or she'll leave me again. Please stay with me Dong Yejin. Please, oh please.

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