18. Pt. 1 Party!

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•Yejin's P.O.V•

This is the best birthday present I've ever received! Chanyeol and I walked hand in hand to my house. The party doesn't start until around 5pm and it's 2pm... The people who my mom sent are gonna come over around 2:30 to make me look beautiful. Wow, it's gonna be my 22nd birthday party. Chanyeol and I walk upstairs to my room and plop down on my bed. I sighed and faced Chanyeol who was sitting right next to me.

"Gwenchana?" He asked with a concerned tone.

"No... Not really." I said boringly.


"Relatives are gonna come over and ask 'Do you have a boyfriend?' or 'You look beautiful enough to marry my son!'... I hate that. Then there's those relative that are cruel. 'Your face is big!' 'Look at you! You need to lose weight or you'll never have a man!'" I laid on my stomach and hid my face into the mattress and screamed. He laughed so hard he fell back and laid down next to me. I gave him a glare.

"Also, don't forget my cousins, specifically my girl cousins. They'll hit on you till you get annoyed and say yes to them... I swear to fahking god if you-"

"Okay, I get it." He laughed and put me into a position where we were both facing each other.

"You're so funny, kind, cute, beautiful, and caring... How did I get you to love me?" He caressed my cheek and gave me a soft smile.

"Your charm, silliness, the way you smile, and your eyes. That's the reason I fell in love with you... Yet I was innocent and I couldn't handle bad boys." I giggled and poked his shoulder.

"Sarangheyo~" Chanyeol sang.

"Sarangheyo~" I said back.

I heard a knock on my room.

"Yeobseyo? This is the makeup and hairstylist for Dong Yejin."

"I'm coming!" I opened the door and let these people in. They shooed Chanyeol away and got started.

The clothes person had these beautiful dresses and such but I pick something out of my comfort zone. I chose the nude pink dress that fit me in all the right ways. The shoes were nude pumps and to top it all off, jewelry! I put on sun earrings, a necklace to match with it and the moon promise ring that Chanyeol bought for me.

Then the hairstylist and the makeup people were next. The sat me down on my vanity and started to straighten and brush my hair. Next, the makeup person put natural makeup and also did my nails. The rushed me into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror... Holy mother of God... I look so mature, damn.

I looked at the clock it's already 3:47. That took way too long.

"Kamsamnida!" I bowed and gave them a tight hug.

I peeked downstairs to see my parents, Chanyeol, BTS, and Taeyang just sitting there waiting. I was so excited to show them! I walked downstairs and all I could see was all their jaws dropped.

"Hello~!" I smiled and my mother rushed towards me.

"Aigoo~! My child grew up too fast..." She kissed my cheek and hugged me.

"Ah my little sister isn't so little anymore is she?" Taeyang teased and gave me a hug.

"You look identical to your mother when she was your age." My father gushed.

"Thanks guys, I love you!" We all had a group hug and then Namjoon joined.

"Yah, you rascal. You didn't greet your favorite cousin." Namjoon playfully pokes me on the cheek. I laughed and looked at Chanyeol. He was smiling like no other.

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