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I stared out the window of the town car, my mind racing with thoughts as all my eyes could see was an empty muster field, as we drove around Star City.

Xenia sat in the middle, while Lindon sat on her other side, both of them talking amongst themselves.

Sometimes things happen that you never imagine would. Life takes you to a certain place where you never thought you would end up. But, what matters most is how you decide to handle the situation.

Today it was my time to choose what I wanted. Did I want my happiness or follow a contract which wasn't initially even written for me?

Did I want the person I always wanted to willingly come walking to me, or be with someone who was handed down to me by a contract?

Someone knocked on the window of my door, breaking my train of thoughts. I glanced up to find the driver opening my door, and bowing his head.

"Princess Bella," he spoke. "King Lindon, and Princess Xenia are waiting for you."

I looked to where he pointed, finding Xenia and Lindon standing in front of a statue with guards behind them. They both were tapping their foots and waiting for me just like the driver had said.

I thanked the driver and got out of the car, fixing the white sundress I had on, before walking over to them.

A tour guide smiled at me when I reached them, bowing his head in respect.

"It's a pleasure to have you guys here," he remarked. "Mother Queen had informed me of your guys' presence. My name is Adil Haroon, and I will be your tour guide for today. This is a new garden we are building here, it's still not complete, but there are a few things you guys could see until then."

"These are the statues made in the memories of a few people who had done great things for this world," he explained, going on and on.

We walked around the place with Adil talking every chance he got, explaining us the beauty of the garden. However from what I could tell, it was missing something. The freshly mowed grass, the blooming about 40 000 flowers, and all the statues around the place weren't enough.

I tried my best not to jump with happiness when Adil said this was the end of the tour for today and he would love to have us back. His voice had been irritating my ears to no extent. I couldn't tell what the two siblings thought, because I had avoided looking at them at all cost this whole time. Plus their eyes were shaded with black sunglasses, and their lips pressed into a thin line.

I was walking back to the black town car Mother Queen had provided us with, when suddenly a thought ran across my mind.

"Adil," I called, my voice stopping the others too. He turned towards me, nodding. "This garden's missing something."

"Yes we know, Princess Bella. We aren't done building it. There will soon be a waterfall-" he started, but I cut him off.

I shook my head, "It's too perfect." I then briefly glanced at Lindon, whose eyes were- for the first time since we got here- on me.

"You've ruined the beauty of the place by making it too perfect. Nothing seems good enough when it's perfect. Everything needs its scars; imperfection is perfect," I said.

Lindon's next words surprised me. "She's right, sometimes when something is too beautiful it fails to touch our hearts," he agreed.

His green eyes bore into my own, none of us breaking eye contact.

"But, still Serenity was able to touch everyone's hearts, even yours," I wanted to say, but decided against it.


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