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I sat in the garden Xenia had shown me this morning, aimlessly staring ahead as I thought of all the events of the past few days.

Noah's sudden appearance, my marriage with Lindon, the necklace Noah had given me, and the latest event so far: the crowning ceremony.

It all seemed like they were the events of years ago.

I looked around at the garden, seeming to enjoy the beauty of nature. There were more trees than plants, with many lotus blossoms, blooming next to the ponds.

A cool wind brushed against my face, causing goosebumps to arise on my naked arms. My hair flew into my eyes, annoying me to no extent.

We were back at the palace, and like Lindon had said this morning there was a grand feast taking place. Of course I was suppose to be there too, but I thought it was alright if I went missing for a while. Maybe no one would notice.

I placed a hand on the same cheek Lindon had kissed, for some reason. This wasn't the first time he had done that, but it was the first time were I had truly felt something different.

"Did someone slap you?" A voice asked, and immediately I let my hand fall back down.

Warmth rushed to my cheeks when he took a seat next to me, biting his lip as he shook his head at me. My heart drummed faster against my chest, when he took a seat next to me, his eyes fixed ahead.

"Why would you say that?" I spoke, acting as though I don't know what he was on about.

Lindon turned his eyes to me for a moment, shrugging. "You were holding your cheek like someone had done something to-"

A moment of recognition flickered through his eyes before it was gone, his eyebrows furrowed. I was hoping he wouldn't realize, but I guess luck wasn't in my favour today. He blinked once then twice, before turning away from me and towards the pond, his neck turning a shade of pink.

Now that was embarrassing.

He cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact with me as he spoke. "Why are you sat outside?"

"It was getting too much inside. All day long I had to prepare a lot, and so I thought I could maybe go sit outside peacefully for a minute or two. By the way you have a beautiful garden," I commented.

"Thanks, I recently got it customized," he explained. "You always did have a thing for spending your time outside, didn't you?"

I smiled at him, even though he didn't return the smile, I was okay with it.

"I guess some things don't change then."

It's funny how just this morning, Xenia was telling me things change over time, and now here I was saying the very opposite.

"Your parents are wanting to talk with you," he told me.

My parents. The last I talked to them was on the night of the wedding, when they had told me they loved me no matter what. I hadn't heard from them since then, and really I hadn't expected to.

His eyes flickered towards me, waiting to see my reaction. Yet, I didn't have one to give to him.

"Why?" I questioned, my voice suddenly losing all its emotions.

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