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During a red light, I watched her lean her head against the window, her eyes slowly closing as time went on. Would I be classified as a creep for watching my wife sleep?

Well it was hard not to notice her, when she was the only other person here. I tapped my fingers against the steering wheel, my eyes drifting away from a peaceful Bella and back to the road.

We were now in Lethbridge, and in a short while we would be at the penthouse, we were to stay for probably the next two days.

It felt as though she was now a part of everything I did. She was now the Queen of Cross Bridge. Not only that, but also my wife.

"Why do you never wear anything other than collared shirts?" She suddenly asked, causing me to merely jump in surprise.

I looked down at the black button up shirt I was wearing, wondering what was wrong with it.

I kept my eyes on the road, while shrugging, "What do you expect me to wear? Khaki shorts and tennis t-shirts? It doesn't really suit a king."

"I think it should be more about what suits you as a person, Lindon," she remarked.

I had always been told appearance mattered as much as skills. Apparently she thought otherwise.

"Why does it matter anyways?" I questioned, passing by a mustard field.

I watched from the corner of my eye as she glanced outside, shrugging. "I was just wondering. Moving on, wasn't your manager, Terry suppose to come along?"

"He left before us, we will meet him there," I answered, finding it weird how easy it was to carry on a causal conversation with her.

"What's your favourite colour, Lindon?"

I raised an eyebrow, unsure of her sudden interest in questioning me.

"I've never thought about it," I responded at last, really having nothing to say.

She shook her head, "That's strange. I know you're a king and everything, but that doesn't mean you can't take out some time from your life to do something any other person would do."

"I never had time for this stuff," I explained. "But trust me, there were a lot of things I had always wanted to do."

"Like what?"

"Like going camping," I told her, starting to think I was sharing too much with her.

"You've never been- hey Lindon, look," she said, pointing to my side of the window.

I briefly glanced at what she had seen finding a woman knelt around a man's body, crying, while a young girl wearing torn clothes stood beside them, attempting to stop someone for help. But, no one did.

I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering whether this was an act to rob us, or the woman might have really needed help.

I wasn't afraid at the thought of them robbing us, because right behind my car did I have my bodyguards follow us. It was a safety measure needed to take when you belonged to a royal family.

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