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Every time I say something to her, I know it hurts her and she hates me more. But, with the circumstances I can't exactly have her like me either. I don't need people liking me, people caring for me. I just don't need anyone in general.

The only one I can really get myself to care about is my angel, Xenia. I can't have anyone take her away from me. She's the last reminder I have of my mom, the woman who was taken away from me by my monster of a father.

One by one I lost everyone I cared for. Serenity was suppose to here with me instead of Bella. She was suppose to be by my side, wearing my engagement ring, not Bella. No, it was never suppose to be Bella.

However, then I think back to the old days, and all I can realize is Serenity was too good. It makes me remember Bella's words from a week ago: when something is too beautiful, it ruins its real beauty.

Maybe that was the reason why I liked playing with Bella more than Serenity during our childhood. While Bella was careless and crazy, Serenity was careful and sensible. It was sometimes too much to handle.

I've come to the decision that in reality I don't need any of the sisters as my wife, all I need was a determined queen. And from the past two days Bella seems to be showing good signs of being able to take care of a kingdom.

It was all an act the day before, I already knew about those people, and I was buying no land to create hotels. The lands was actually for the people in need, to build houses and schools for them.

I had already brought the factory from the former, useless owner, and had got on to increasing their wage, and making sure they were working in a healthier environment. When I went to sign a few contracts, I had ordered my manager to take Xenia to the bad side of the city. It was only to see her reaction, and what she was capable of. I had already made sure underaged people, and overaged didn't work there anymore, after that day.

If there was anything to happen to me, at least then there would be someone responsible enough to take care of the kingdom.

I put aside the file I was looking through, while my thoughts had wandered elsewhere, getting up from my office chair. It was good to be back home, away from all the people I had to interact with unwillingly. If it were up to me I would stay in my room all day. Unfortunately, I had a lot of responsibilities as a King, most of them forced upon me.

I left my office, walking towards the art studio, where I knew I would find Xenia. I felt like talking to her today, spending some time with her. Sometimes I felt like she was lonely, and really had no one, even though I always tried giving her everything I could.

The two guards stationed outside of the room, were enough symbol to tell me Xenia was in there. I had made sure that guards followed her everywhere she went, but still she had enough privacy, because no matter what I wasn't ready to risk her life.

I knocked on the door of the studio, but when no reply came I decided to enter. The walls in the room were covered with murals, with her name written across one, the other two had my name and mom's name on it. She wrote our names, saying it was for us to be always remembered in her world. There was no such thing as colourless in the room, because every corner had at least a hint of colour.

I smiled at the sight in front of me, my eyes fixed on my sister sleeping. She would always lose track of time in here, it was like her own place to escape to.

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