Chapter 5 -- Journal Entires

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Journal Entry 27-- it's been 1 month since I've entered the world of angels and demons. It turns out the reason I wasn't in this dimension to begin with is I was an angel. Ever since Castiel pulled me through to this world, I have been discovering powers. I can kill a demon with a slight touch. I seem to be quite power full. I don't belive even Castiel has these powers. Haniel has been quite helpful in helping me relearn these powers.

Journal Entry 28-- Dean just gave me the news that Sam will be rejoining us. I'm slightly worried that Sam will not like me. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Sam walks into the motel room. My eyes flicker over to him nervously. His shaggy brown hair tucked messing behind his ear. He looks back at me. His thin lips form a hard line on his face.

" must be-" he starts.

I quickly stand up and walk over to him. "Charli. I'm Charli." I extend my hand. He takes my hand firmly and shakes it.

"I'm Sam." He smiles slightly.

He leases my hand and I take a step back. Dean walks into the room from the bathroom.

"Sam.." Dean looks shocked. He quickly walks over to him and embraces him in a hug. "It's good to see you."

Journal Entry 29-- Sam seems to be warming up to me quickly. Me and him went on a food run together while dean was out investigating. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be.

Journal Entry 30-- I need help. I don't understand so much. I need to talk to Castiel or Haniel.

"Castiel." I say out loud as I sit on the hood of the Impala. I'm alone in the night. "I need your help. Please talk to me."

I place my head in my hands. Tears form in my eyes. I'm so confused and no one knows what I am.

"I'm here Charli." I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Castiel standing next to the impala.

"I have a few questions." I say.

"I will answer to the best of my abilities. You know I will." He says reassuringly.

"Why can't I go to heaven?" I ask. "If I'm an angel, I should be able to go right?"

"Well, you're still discovering your abilities. I'm sure in time you will be able to go." He says as he stares into the darkness.

"Don't angels speak in Enochian?"

"Enochian is the language of angels. It should come naturally." Castiel says. His mouth movements don't match his words.

"Did you just-"

"Yes. I was speaking enochian. Your mind should change it into English automatically. "

"What about wings? Angels have wings."

Castiel smiles at me. "Come with me." He takes my hand and leads me into the motel room. He takes me into the bathroom and he makes me face the mirror.

"You probably don't have control of them right now because you don't know how. I'll teach you." Castiel presses his palm to the small of my back. I stare in the mirror with disbelief. From my back emerges large, feather covered wings. They are shimmering white. I turn slightly to get a better angle. As the wings hit the light, they shine with a light purple. I smile widely.

I turn and look at Castiel. He smiles back at me. "Your are beautiful."

Journal Entry 31-- I get to meet Bobby Singer tomorrow. I know so much about him but I've never met him. I'm excited. Sam and Dean are working a case tomorrow. It's going to be "dangerous to angels" Castiel is upstairs so they called Bobby to babysit me. Oh well. Me and Bobby get to work a small case also. Until then, I need sleep. Over and out.

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