Chapter 7--Haunted Mansions

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" Well, Here we are." I say as we pull into the parking lot of the attraction.

The Mansions are large buildings with boarded up windows and grafitti written all over them. The tallest one is 5 stories tall. The sun has just barely set, leaving the sky a dark blue. the stars are just starting to shine. The night grows darker as we speak.

"This place used to be a University," I start. "They closed down in 1927 because they wern't making enough money. More people opened it later in 1941 but closed down to 'Hauntings' But I think it's just a scam to get people to pay money and come get scared."

"This is stupid. What kinda Idjits pay people to scare them. Isn't there enough scary things in this world?" Bobby says

"We're about to become one of those Idjits, Bobby." I say to him.

"I know, It makes me sick just thinking about it" He says

We Walk over to the ticket booth and I pay for 2 passes. I Hand Bobby his Ticket. We walk over to the first mansion and get in line. We wait silently until We are up next. Me and Bobby look at each other, not knowing what to expect. We go into the house. The first room is covered in neon paint and black lights.

"Oh God, What a headache" Bobby says as he squints.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot." I say as I get out my phone and turn on the camera. I look through the screen as we walk.

A zombie jumps out from behind a wall and Bobby screams Bloody Murder. I can't help but to laugh.

"That was not funny. That zombie came out of nowhere!"

"And you've been a hunter for how long?" I ask jokingly.

Bobby grumbles as we keep walking. I look through my phone screen to check for the shape shifter. We walk down some sketchy stairs and have to get on our hands and knees to crawl through a passage way. We get out and walk through a few more rooms. The haunted house ends and we go back to the court yard.

"Should we check the next house?" I ask.

"Hell, Why not?"

As Bobby starts walking he sees someone he knows. He stops and looks at her. The person he is looking at notices him and runs to him and hugs him.

"Oh Bobby!! It's been so long!" the mysterious girl says. Bobby hugs her and lifts he slightly off the ground.

"I know. It's good to see you Jane!"

Jane is a young girl who appears to be in her twenties. She has long, wavy dark bown hair that falls down her back. She has high cheek bones and a bright smile. She is slightly taller than me. Bobby releases her from the hug

"oh that's right. Jane, This is Charli. I'm currently working a case with her. Charli, This is Jane, A good friend of mine." Bobby says.

"It's always a pleasure to meet Bobby's friends" She says to me with a smile.

" I could say the same." I smile back.

" Jane, What are you doing here?" Bobby asks as he scratches the top of his head.

"Same old, same old. Just working a case." She replies. I look at her.

"You wouldn't happen to be after the shapeshifter are you?" I ask. If she is, I don't know if that is going to be a good thing or a bad thing.

"Well, I guess you caught me redhanded. Guitly as Charged." She smiles at me. She seems nice enough.

"Why don't you work with us? that's if Charli doesn't mind." Bobby says.

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