Chapter 8 -- Part 2

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"Charli? What are you doing?!" Castiel asks me. He sounds slightly angry.

"I healed myself." I smile at him and Kathrine.

"How did you-" I inturupt him. I hold out my hand palm facing up. I concentrate on my hand. My muscles start to tense and the bright white light appears from my hand. I close my hand and the light disappears.

"Wow." Kathrine says, her eyes wide in disblief. "You really are an angel."

"I guess so." I smile. "We should keep moving." I start to walk in the direction of the abandoned mine shaft. Cas and Kathrine follow. The air is chilly but it's not too bad. It's actually kinda refreshing.

After a while of walking through the deep snow, we finally find the enterance. I look at Castiel and take a deep breath. Castiel takes my hand and smiles slightly at me.

"It's going to be okay. I'm here." He says reassuringly. We walk in together, Kathrine being the third-wheel. I turn to her just in time to see her rolling her eyes.

The sound of our boots stepping on the stone floor echos through the whole tunnel. The only thing we can hear is our steps, our breathing, and the sound of water dripping. We make our way through the tunnel. I stop walking when I see something in the corner of my eye. I turn my head to see words written on the Cave's walls. I shine my flashlight on the wall so I can read it. 'Turn Back Now.' The w on now is smeared down. The words seem to be written in blood. My heart starts beating quickly.

"We should keep moving." Kathrine says as she points her light down the path of the dark, cold tunnel. Her voice seems a little shaky. I nod and we all start walking. We Come to a intersection in the mine. We all decide to turn to the left. We continue to wander around. My eyes flicker from the ground to the darkness ahead of me. I can see my breath in front of me from the cold air. I grip my flashlight with two hands so it doesn't shake as much. A loud sound starts blaring in my ears. It echos through the cave. I jump from the surprise. It takes me a moment to realize it's Kathrine's phone ringing. She pulls it out of her pocket and answers it. She listens to who ever is talking and hangs up.

"They found them." She says.

*Jane's POV*

Dean, Jimmy and I walk over to the abandoned prison in silence. We finally make it there. The building is fairly large. There is a tall barbed-wire fence surrounding the perimeter. The building itself looks like it is made of cement bricks. There is wooden supports all the way around the building. It is very obvious that the prison is old and sbandoned. We walk up to the enterance cautiously.

"Hey Dean, It's you." I smirk as I point to a waste bin by the door.

"Hardy Har Har." He says sarcasticly as he rolls his eyes. "You know, You must've been born on a highway, because that's where most accidents happen."

"I'd really like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass." I say. "maybe you should stop wearing your ass like a hat."

"Is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that just came out of your mouth?" I says. I can hear Jimmy snickering behind us as we walk through the building.

"You know, You are just proof that God has a sense of humor." I say. Dean scoffs. We keep looking around and we don't seem to find anything.

"I think this place is a bust." Dean says.

"Well I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong." I say. I point to what seems to be an empty cell. Dean points his flashlight into the cell. Inside, in the far left corner, Is a creature facing the wall. It's skin gray and wrinkly.

"That's a-" I inturupt Jimmy.

"Wendigo. Look." I point my light into the other cells. There must be over 100 Wendigos in this jail. I pull out my phone. I start calling the other groups.

*Charli's POV*

Castiel Zaps me and Kathrine to the Jail where they found the Wendios. I look around. Chills run down my spine.

"So, I think we should burn down the Jail. not like anyone will miss it." Dean says.

"He will." Sam says. Sam, Mandi, Bobby, and a strange old man walk into the Jail.

"Who is that?" Jane points at the old man. He looks about 70 years old. His face is covered in wrinkles. He wears denim overalls that are covered in a thick layer of dirt.

"We met him in one of the old building that we investigated." Bobby says.

"Mur name is Burt" He says in a deep voice. He has a strange accent. " ye can't kill em Wendy-go's. Der mer familee."

"Well we aren't going to let them live. It's a hazard to everyone else." Jane says.

Burt seems to ignore Dean. He walks over to one of the cells. "Dis one her is Dmitri. He is mah Favorite." Burt starts to unlock the cage.

"Don't!" Sam yells. Burt ignores Sam and continues open in the cell. Dmitri turns and jumps on Burt. At first we think Dmitri is going to be harmless, then, Dmitri takes a large bite out of Burt's neck.

"Dmitri! Nur!" Burt says as he falls to the ground. Jimmy runs over to Burt and franticly trys to pull Dmitri off. The Wendigo turns and grabs Jimmy by the head. Dmitri jerks Jimmy to the left. I can hear his neck snap. I cringe. Jimmy falls to the ground. The life in him is gone. I'm in shock. I just saw two people die. I turn to Kathrine; She has a shocked expression plasted on her face. I feel sick.

"Come on you idjits! Everybody out!" Bobby yells. We all run out of the building. The air ourside seems a lot colder than it was before. This light jacket is doing me no good.

"Charli, Would you help me with this barbeque?" Dean says.

"Try and stop me." I smile.


Dean and I walk up to the building and begin to pour lighter fluid on the wooden supports and on the floor inside. I pull out my lighter and flip the top. I light it and toss the flame into the building. Dean and I walk back to everyone else. As the fire spreads, I can hear the screams and screeches of the Wendigos. We get back with the group. We all start walking back to the cabin.

I look at Kathrine again. She must be in pain. She just watched her boyfriend's neck get snapped.

"Hey, Kathrine." I call. She turns around and looks at me.

"Hey.." She says.

"You doing alright?" I ask.

"Well, There are more fish in the sea." She smiles. Her smile is obviously fake and it looks like she is holding back tears. She walks over to Mandi.

I hold my arms close to my body to retain body heat. I focus on putting one foot in front of the other. I can't wait to get some sleep. Castiel looks at me.

"Are you cold?" He asks me. I can hear his worry in his voice.

"" I say. I don't want to seem weak to Cas, but I don't want to lie to him either. He takes off his trench coat and hands it to me.

"Here, This will help." He says. I smile at him as a silent thank you. I put on the trench coat and I suddenly feel much warmer. He puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him as we walk. His warmth and being in his arms makes me feel safe.

We get back to the cabin after the long journey back. I take off my boots slowly walk over to the fire. I hold my hands out to warm them. I am still wearing Castiel's coat. After I unthaw myself, I sit on the couch. Everyone seems to retire to their rooms except me and Cas. He walks over and sits next to me on the couch.

I cuddle up next to him. Even after a hunt, he still smell heavenly. I close my eyes and breath in his smell. I start to dose off when it comes to me. My name. I open my eyes.



"I remembered....I remembered my name." I say. "My name is Liliel"

"That's a beautiful name." I can hear the smile in his voice. He kisses the top of my head and I drift into a beautiful dream. 

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