4 ~ Persistence is Key

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No Place Like Home

Chapter Four- Persistence is Key


Ella finished her exam, slowly stepping out of her desk and grabbing her things. She smiled as she left the thick packet on the professors desk and glanced back at Noah.

He spun his pencil in his hand, his brow furrowed as he read over the paper. His eyes flickered up to meet hers and she offered him a thumbs up. Ella turned back around and exited the classroom, the unnatural cool air hitting her. 

She looked up at the clouds that were beginning to gray, she wondered when was the last time it rained. Thinking back, it hadn't rained in months, as far as she could remember. She moved here shortly after graduating from high school, her parents gladly offering up their vacation home for a place Ella could reside momentarily until she could support herself. Being alone there wasn't much of a bother anyway, Ella was used to being solo.

Now that she thought about it, she didn't have some dark reason why she was alone. It's not like some jerk broke her heart into a million pieces, forcing her not to love again or hate men. No, that wasn't it. On the other hand, Ella wasn't afraid of falling in love, or finding the right guy either.

Ella let her gaze wander blankly in front of her as her thoughts swam.

She wasn't really sure what the problem was. Sure, she could catch the attention of guys, obviously. But, no solid relationship ever came of her interactions with the opposite sex. Ella pondered the thought of not being serious relationship material. She shook the thought, she'd find someone, someday.

Ella was already half way down the college steps leading towards the parking lot when she heard footsteps coming up behind her. She didn't have to glance to the side to see Noah slow his pace once he was on her flank.

"That was fast," Ella commented, bouncing off the last step and taking a glimpse at him. His hair was messy, which she was beginning to enjoy admiring. His style of clothing found the perfect ways to just make him look so, what's the word? Gorgeous?

Noah shrugged his shoulders, immediately taking her out of her rambling thoughts. "I've aways been a good tester." He caught her side glance and winked. Ella snapped her gaze away and continued onward towards her car. "So, up for some fun?" Noah skipped out in front of her, blocking her way to her vehicle.

Ella stopped, narrowing her eyes suspiciously at the boy in front of her. "Two dates back to back? Don't you think you're pushing your luck?" She tried to make her voice as menacing as possible.

Noah didn't seem fazed. "Bug, couples spend loads of time together. Get used to it," he cracked a smile, bringing memory of her witty comebacks from last night.

"Someone's a little delusional," Ella mumble, pushing passed him to open the backseat door and place her things down. She slammed the door and turned to face Noah. He was no where in sight. Ella made sure to look around, checking to see if he had moved. To no avail, Ella sighed, opening the driver's door and plopping down inside.

"That took a while," Noah's voice sounded next to her and Ella practically fell out of the open door. She glared at him, half terrified, half insane. "What?" He asked innocently, shifting comfortably in the passenger seat.

"Scaring me in my own car," she mumbled, sitting back up and closing the door. She hit her hands childishly on the steering while. "Have you nothing better to do?" He met her crazed eyes with calmness.

"Bug," Noah spoke softly. "Do we need to talk?" He asked, a puppy dog look flooding over his features.

Ella blinked wildly, unsure of how to respond. "Wha-"

"Is it me?" He placed a hand on his chest, looking hurt. "It's me isn't it? I'm the one to blame!" Noah exclaimed. "I'm really trying here, what more do you want from me!?" He grabbed Ella's hands, pleading with her.

"I don't wan-"

"Ella!" Noah interrupted once more. "Love of my life! Tell me! How can I love you more?!"

Ella jerked her hands out of Noah's and playfully smacked him upside the head. Noah grunted an ow, and Ella was quick to hold up a scolding finger. "Silence, Monkey-man!" Ella demanded.

"So mean, I-"

"Noah Anderson," Ella's voice cracked, immediately causing him to smile. She held on to her intimidating scowl and continued onward. "Leave my presence," she looked away, her eyes looking out the windshield.

"Bug." Noah's coo was music to her ears, but she didn't show it. "Bug, this was our first fight." He informed her calmly.

"Monkey-man," Ella dared to look over to him, meeting those lovely hazel eyes. "For the last time, I do-"

"You don't have to say it!" Noah interrupted dramatically. He opened the door, stepping out, and closing it behind him. Ella watched him cautiously as he rounded the front of the car and went up to her side window. "I already know you love me," he beamed victoriously, his voice muffled by the glass.

Ella rolled her eyes, putting the key into the ignition and starting the car. He tapped on the glass, taking back her attention. She sighed before pressing the button and letting the window roll down. "What is it now, Monkey-man?"

Noah cocked a smile, looking off to the side where three girls waved at him, he paid them no attention before looking back at Ella. "Tomorrow's Friday right?" He asked, but seemed to already know the answer.

"Yeah, so-"

"How about a movie night," he suggested. "My house? We can hang out a bit before then too."

Ella let his offer hang in the air as her mind tried to come up with some lame excuse on why she couldn't make it. No good reasons came to mind and she plastered on a side smile. "You're a persistent little brat, aren't you?"

Noah took that as a yes and widened his grin. "Meet me at the park on Delaware, around five-ish." With those final words he left Ella's car side and made his way across the parking lot to his truck.

Ella rolled the window back up and thought to the street he mentioned which was only a few blocks from her house. She put the car in reverse and backed out of her spot. Changing gears she contemplated whether or not she would show.

But her heart already had that decision made.


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