8 ~ Are You Purring?

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No Place Like Home

Chapter Eight- Are You Purring?


Ella tugged at her cardigan as tiny rain droplets fell upon her. She glanced up, the street light failing to illuminate the storm clouds that loomed above her. The stars shined dimly and Ella looked back in front of her, dreading her idea of walking home from her defense class. She had been driving back and forth for a few classes now and decided to walk instead, enjoy the outdoors.

Brilliant, Ella thought bitterly.

To add on to her swarming mind, the silence reminded her of the absence of Noah. A week has gone by and still no word from the persist, immature boy that she so dearly missed. 

Some part of Ella feared Lyric had told him of their kiss, she shuddered at the thought. What if he had? Ella didn't blame him for being angry with her than, she deserved it. 

The rain began pouring down just as Ella decided that Noah had given up on her. She quickened her pace as she passed an alley way, only a few more steps from her house.

An alarming clash sounded down the dark alley and Ella froze on the spot. The rain that was now soaking her no longer mattered as she slowly turned, the fear of coming face to face with the horrid serial killer that was on the rampage plagued her mind. 

Another clash sounded and Ella swore she heard footsteps. Ella's first instinct was to run. Run as fast as she can and pray whoever was there was fat, slow, and blind. 

She was about to give in to flight when the smallest sound made its way to her ears. Ella stepped forward, tilting her head slightly. There it was again. What was...

As Ella took another step to what seemed to be a dumpster. The closer she got the more aware she was to the cause of the terrifying noises. 

A cat, she concluded, slowly opening the lid of the metal object and peering inside. Water was filling the dumpster and Ella's eyes immediately landed on the fanatic kitten that was clawing desperately at the walls that trapped it. 

Ella leaned in, grabbing the soaked ball of fur and lifting it out of the bin. The animal instantly sunk its claws into her shirt and Ella dropped the lid down as she felt it scratch her skin. She bolted once thunder boomed around her and made a break for her house which was a couple of strides away. 

Ella rushed inside her home, locking the door as she closed it and turning her attention back to the matter at hand. "Towels, I need towels." She mumbled, jogging down her hall and ducking into the guest bathroom. She tugged the towel from its hanger and detached herself from the trembling animal. 

The kitten cried out hysterically as she pulled it away for a moment to wrap it in the towel. The kitten squirmed persistently until Ella brought it back against her chest, rubbing it softly. 

"It's okay," she cooed, unsure of what to do next. Ella exited the bathroom, deciding to pace around the living room as she contemplated the next steps she would take concerning the kitten. 

She continued to rub the kitten, trying to dry it off faster. The more she thought the faster she paced. She  didn't know how to take care of a kitten, much less any other animal. She never even owned a goldfish!

Ella's eyes wandered to look outside as a flash of lightening lighted the room for a second, a tall silhouette caught her attention and made her stumble backwards. She tripped over her own feet, landing on her bum with her hands beginning to tremble as the figure moved closer to the window, his hands cupping his face to peer inside.

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