7 ~ Good Footing

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No Place Like Home

Chapter Seven- Good Footing


"I should've told you about him," Noah confessed, stopping as Ella opened her car door. She smiles at his apology.

"Don't worry about it," Ella assured him, thinking back at the kiss she had shared with the evil Lyric. "At least I know now." She put one foot into the vehicle as Noah turned back to the front door. Lyric waved mockingly at the two and Ella's smile faded. "You guys don't do... brotherly thing-"

"God, no." Noah breathed out a laugh, his gaze returning to her. "I'll make sure it's always just us." He took a step forward, and Ella felt a rush very similar to when she had kissed Lyric. The thought ruined any romantic advancement Noah made and she cleared her throat.

"So do you plan on making it up to me?" Ella inquired, suddenly realizing how disappointed she was that the two didn't get to finish watching their movies.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" Noah's infamous smirk appeared and Ella rolled her eyes.

"I was just hoping devise a plan to get rid of you in some chaotic fashion, I can't do that with you around." She couldn't help but smile.

"Get rid of me, Bug?" Noah stepped around the door that was separating them. "You think I'd make that easy for you?" As the question left his lips, he snatched her up into his arms, gently lifting her up and throwing her over his shoulder.

"Noah!" She shouted through giggles. "Monkey-man! Put me down!" 

Noah chuckled, falling to his knees and laying Ella down on the decretive grass right outside the other apartments. "What do you want to do tomorrow?" He asked, staring lovingly down at her as she pondered the question.

She bit her lip, looking from the sky to meet his eyes. "Surprise me."

Noah closed the front door after waving Ella off, he turned around, coming face to face with Lyric. "What do you think you're doing?" Lyric sneered, taking another step closer. "The last time you had a girl over was what," he paused to think. "Never? I thought I made it clear, no girls." 

Noah let out a grunt of anger. "Everything's fine, it's not like-"

Lyric balled his hands into fists at his side. "Noah," he interrupted. "I will do whatever it takes to get her to stay away from you. You won't screw this up for us." He threatened in a low tone. 

Noah narrowed his eyes at his brother. "What did you do?" He asked rushed, knowing Lyric would be true to his word and do anything to rid themselves of distractions.

"Forget it," Lyric dismissed the question. "You're gonna stop seeing her, or you can expect me to crush this little fling before it can destroy everything we've worked for." Lyric took another step closer, leaning in to whisper in his brother's ear. "You wanted this, remember that." He hissed lowly.

And with that, Lyric stepped passed Noah, shoving his shoulder as he opened the door and slammed it behind him. Noah let his anger subside, rethinking the words his brother had spoken. 

The deal was that there would be no girls. Both Noah and Lyric had agreed that they would only prove to be a distraction, and could possibly uncover their deeds. Noah sighed deeply, running his hand through his hair and trying to think of what to do with the Ella situation.

It's not like he didn't have this problem before, but Noah was always quick to end it before anything serious bloomed. Ella was different, or so he believed. She could be trusted.

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