Twin Potter Part 1

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Francis: *puts his hand in his pocket and feels some paper* Huh? *takes it outs and finds an old drawing the twins made when they were little* Remember this? *shows Arthur*

Arthur: *looks at the picture and smiles* Yeah.

Francis: They were so cute.

*Both of them get a call*

Arthur: *nods looks at phone and answers*

Mason: Um Grandpas we have a problem. I was working on my homework and I may or may not of have accidentally turned dad and uncle Mattie in 14 year old Hogwarts students.

Arthur: WHAT!

Mason: They were at the wrong place at the wrong time. I manage to pin point where they were and teleport myself to Hogwarts but they don't seem to know me but they know each other.

Arthur: Omgosh.

Francis: We need to help them.

Mason: You guys need to go under cover they're not very trusting.

Arthur: No problem Dumbledore and I are good friends I can ask him.

Mason: Your going to have to be 14 again.

Arthur: *wide eyed and sighs* Fine.

Francis: Anything for the twins.

Arthur: *chills* Mason when you see me don't freak out ok?

Mason: Ditto.

Francis: You ready to save the kids.

Arthur: *nods*

Mason: Alright I'll teleport you through the phone.*does so*

*At Hogwarts*

Mason: *looking exactly like Harry Potter minus the scar*

Arthur: Ah it's been awhile.

Francis: Slitheren right?

Arthur: *nods* Yup *changes to 14 year old self all in punk clothes* Oh jeez it even gave me my tongue ring back.

Mason: All right not freaking out but your scaring me. *changing Arthur's clothes* That's better.

Mason: Still kept the highlights.

Arthur: *chuckles* That was me as a teen. *feels in mouth* Why'd you make me keep the tongue ring?

Mason: To make it as believable as possible. *shows his* I guess we are similar.

Arthur: When did you get that?!

Mason: After you left.

Francis: *takes off Mason's wig* You were hiding your punk too.

Mason: Give me that! I hated my highlights!

Arthur: Not approving it but fine. Why not just poof them away? And what would Meg say if she saw this?

Mason: *mumbles* She's behind you.

Meg: Hey.

Arthur: Oh jeez. You look so young. *smiles* I'm happy I could see you both at this age.

Meg: *smiles and has long long hair in a braid*

Francis: Wow the punk gene is pretty dominant.

Meg: Oh XD you see the blue highlight huh?

Mason: Oh yeah I bet you were a punk at 14. *turns Francis into a 14 year old*

Arthur: Actually XD he was a little

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