Part 22

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Pirate:*looks at Husk* Ew dog.

Husk; *glares* at least my mate won't be kissing another man!

Pirate: Yeah because you don't have a bloody mate.

Husk:cause I don't need one. *hugs lassy* cause I have lassy and I don't need anyone else

Pirate: Exactly I trust Meg. Even if you dumb little dog says otherwise.

But that little twit makes a move I'm gonna hurt him.

Meg: *walks by in her teacher outfit but more appropriate with buttons up almost all the way and hair down with glasses. and she looks in* oh jeez your back captain welcome back *smiles* I just wanted to check on captain cat but I see there was no need for worry

Pirate: *his ears twitch* You look nice love.

Meg: thanks and don't call me that -_- *blushes and giggles* nice ears

They suit you

Pirate: What ears?*touches them and his hair poofs out and he blushes* M-Meow.

Meg: awww that was so cute X3 your blush and the meow just to cute X3

Pirate: No it's not.*pouts*

Meg; *kisses his cheek* but it is

Pirate: Hmph.

Meg; *pouts*

Fine don't take my compliment

Pitate:*kisses her and purrs*

(I'm still walking)

Meg; *laughs*

Guy 1: excuse me meg? Can we go now?

Meg: *nods* oh yes of course *smiles* bye lassy, husk, Jonas and captain cat *waves*

Guy 1: *puts arm around her as they walk*

Pirate: *hisses at the boy and walks off*

Jonas: Ok then.

Lass; *sighs*

Meg; *looks back at captain worried and sigh* I'm sorry can we do this another time?

Guy 1:yeah sure

Meg: *runs up to captain but trips* ow

Pirate:*catches her in a dipping position and lift her to her feet* You ok?

Meg: *blushes and nods* t-thanks

Pirate: What's up?

Meg: wellll he canceled on me so I wanted to see if you want to go out? Like a date. *smiles*

Pirate: Sure


Meg; great *grabs his hand*

(Still not at my moms and my dads he took the computer to work)

Pirate:*smiles and his ears perk*

Meg: *looks at his ears and giggles* do you want to cover those up? *reaches for them and slips and nudges one*

Pirate:*hair poofs and he blushes* M-Meow~.

Meg; I-I'm sorry

Pirate: It's ok.

Meg; *scoots away from him* you are to cute captain. *smiles* where do you want to go? Any where you want to go

Pirate:*shrugs* You know this book better than I do.

Meg: *thinks* hmmmm maybe we can go get dinner. it's getting dark but there's this nice table outside. It's perfect for dinner. Then after dinner we can get ready for bed *smiles* I'll be sleeping in your bed after all.

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