Part 7

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Ricky: but but

Taylor: trust your brother he's the most dependable person I've ever met *smiles*

Nathan: *finishes up*

Diego: I hope Draco wasn't listening in on our conversation before

Meg: *is silent*

Gia: same

Ricky: can I have my kiss now?

Riley: of course *kisses*

*Francis and Arthur walk in*

Ricky: YAY! *smiles like goof*

Arthur: hey everyone

Francis: h-hi

Gia: you sound better than before Francis *smiles* I'm glad you're getting better

Francis: *nods*

Arthur: did you guys figure out what houses you're in?

Riley: House?

Taylor: oh I've researched this! So there are 4 houses and depending on your personality traits you will go into one of those houses. There's giffindor, hufflepuff, raven claw and slitheren

Francis: *nods*

Mason: breakfast should be soon so maybe then

Meg: *leans head on Mason's shoulder silently*

Taylor: I'm excited to see what we're all in

Gia: same here

Riley: Well I just hope I get to work on my inventions here*smiles*

Taylor: I just want to learn about their medical use that's my goal *eyes shine with determination*

Dakota twins: *smile*

Girls: Awwww they're so alike

Taylor: *looks at girls and holds on to Nathan's arm* s-sorry if this is considered clingy b-but *blushes and looks away* I don't like those girls looking at you like....that

Nathan: *smiles and leans his head on Taylor's*

Taylor: *smiles to himself*

Gia: Diego can I adopt Taylor?

Diego: No I think he's taken

Diego: *chuckles*

Gia: XD I just got rejected! Diego *dramatically fake cries on his shoulder*

Francis: wa-water p-plz

Arthur: here *hands him it*

Francis: *smiles and drinks*th-thanks

Arthur: no problem *smiles*

Vlad: *walks in sees everyone and turns the other way*

Arthur: Vlad?

Meg: *waves to Vlad*

Vlad: *smiles and continues walking*

Liz: *walks in* oh hey Vlad *smiles*

Vlad: Hi Elizeveta

Liz: how you? Are you feeling any better? *looks at him concerned*

Vlad: I'm better Lucas keeps force feeding me veggie as if I still don't want them. *smiles sadly* Today's they 20th in the real world.

Liz:'s fine I'm right beside ya *smiles*

Vlad: I know.... *sighs* 11 more days

Vlad: so how's your neck?

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