Part 9

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Meg: *nods* there something I need to tell you

Mason: go ahead

Meg: *explains everything*

Mason: Oh s

Meg: I know....

Mason: Well at least she found punk. *thinks and laugh* Why does she like kissing me so much? XD

Meg: -_- no clue but I can't say I'm happy with it but....*sighs* I trust her for now

Mason: *smiles* did she look sorry when she told you?

Meg: yeah

Mason: Looks like she's trying to be your mother

Meg: *glares and gets up and starts walking back but stops and looks down* she will NEVER be my mother

Mason: I didn't say she was

Meg: whatever just don't bring up again. *looks at him* I might never forgive you *sad look* and I don't want that

Mason: *hugs her* I won't bring it up again

Meg: *shakes him* lets just go back *detached look and walks*

Mika: *watching from afar with sad eyes* I understand my place *disappears*

*shakes him off her*

Mason: *nods*

Meg: *plays with the necklace as she sits on the beach*

Mason: *looks at but stays silent*

Meg: I wonder why people always say that daisies remind them of me? Even Mika would say it when I was young

Mason: Because you work hard to make others happy

Meg: *blushes and looks down*

Mason: *smiles*

Meg: I'm sorry I got mad

Meg: *continues to play with the necklace*

Mason: It's ok it's not my place

Meg: it's not like I hate her it's just *sighs* I don't know

Mason: *puts his arm around her*

Meg: *laughs* wow you're becoming much more forward

Mason: *blushes*

Meg: XD you're so cute *kisses him* have you been taking lessons from captain XD

Mason: m-maybe

*in Mason's head*

Pirate: Let me control the mouth you'll control the body

Mason: No way!

*back with Meg*

Meg: oh really? XD

Meg: oh man I can only imagine what he's taught you -_-. XD I'm little


Mason: *blushes and kisses her passionately*

Pirate: Finally I took control

Meg: *blushes and kisses back* m-Mason?

Mason: *wakes up and blushes really red*

Meg: *covers her mouth and looks away* t-that was.....interesting

Mason: *nods*

Meg: b-but I didn't *looks up* hate it *blushes*

Mason: *blushes a little more* t-thanks

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