Part 15

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*Francine and Arthur*

Francine: *drawing with the boys then smiles and signs* Very good Mathew.

Mattie: Thanks. *smiles*

Arthur: *writing his book*

Alfred: What you writing?

Arthur: *blushes and hold it to his chest* N-nothing.

Alfred: Why is your face all red?

Arthur: N-no reaso-

Mattie: *grabs it* "Arthur had notice how beautiful the hair that laid on his love pale doll like face it was true Francis man or woman held his heart and he somewhat prayed for his heart to stop thumping as he watched her play with there children" that's really sweet.

Arthur: G-give it back!*grabs it and walks out*

Francine: *blushes*

Mattie: He got to embarrassed.

Alfred: Yeah but I guess that's the usual I think.

Mattie: I expected nothing less.

Alfred: But it's really nice of him.

Mattie: Yeah that was poetry. *smiles at Francine* It was very sweet.

Francine: *still blushing and nods*

Mattie: We know his feelings now. *smiles*

Alfred: *smiles*

Francine: *walks out smiling to herself*

*With Arthur*

Arthur: *blushing in his book* How embarrassing.

Francine: *bumps into Arthur*

Arthur: *sees her and turns* S-sorry.

Francine: *signs* No no it's ok.

Arthur: W-well then I'll be off *still hiding in his book and starts to walks away*

Francine: *kisses him on the cheek and signs while blushing* Thanks.

Arthur: F-for what?

Francine: *signs* Just being sweet and kind.

Arthur: *slowly puts down the book and kisses her lightly and smiles* Th-thank you.

Francine: *smiles*

Arthur: W-well now you know *looks away* How my book is going.

Francine: *signs* It's beautiful the way you write.

Arthur: *chops her lightly with the book* D-don't say such embarrassing things s-stupid. *blushes*

Francine: *smiles and blushes*

Arthur: U-um c-can I....

Francine: *tilts her head*

Arthur: Can I....*blushes* k-kiss you again?

Francine: *nods*

Arthur: *blushes and kisses her lightly*

Francine: *kisses back blushing*

Arthur: Francine.... *kisses her* I love you. *continues to kiss her*

Francine: *signs and kisses back* I love you too.

Arthur: *stops*

Francine: *signs* Sorry. *looks away*

Arthur: *kisses her passionately* Please don't ever be sorry for saying that. *continues to kiss her*

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